The FC Barcelona could receive good news this same Friday after the matutinal training of the first team. After the club confirmed the indefinite drop of Franck Kessié by his injury in the biceps femoral, everything aims to that at least there will be a high important that will reinforce the defence. Like this it ensures it the newspaper 'Sportive World', the one who has desvelado that Andreas Christensen could go back to form part of the announcement.

After almost a month of absence by the sprain of ankle that suffered in the gone of Champions in front of the Inter of Milan, seems that Xavi Hernández could recover to the Danish of face to the commitment of League of this Saturday in front of the Almería (21.00 hours). The central already has trained again with his mates in the session of this Wednesday, what would leave him to disposal of the technician for the weekend.

Waiting for the high doctor that confirm his return, the Scandinavian would be a high very important for the technical body because of the big quantity of drops that suffers the defence. Ronald Araújo, Eric García, Sergi Roberto and Jules Koundé are 'KO' by injury, what leaves to Gerard Hammered like only central natural for the crossing in front of the Andalusians.

Marcos Alonso is adapting to his new role like left defender and would come him well the help of Christensen, the one who has lost the last eight parties of the Barça and that is to few days to receive the called of his selection for the World-wide of Catar. It will be necessary to see which will be the decision of Xavi that needs to follow recortando distances with the Real Madrid in the fight by the peak of the table.

The protagonists in front of the Plzen

In the session of recovery after the party by League of Champions in front of Viktoria Plzen exercised all the footballers of the first team in company of some of the Barça Atlètic. Àlex Fence in, Álvaro Sanz, Ilias Akhomach and Marc Casadó joined to the train by his participation in the international competition, something that adds them whole to integrate future announcements so much by Europe League as by League.