Araujo And Gavi celebrate a goal with the Barça


The offers against which Barça has to fight to retain Gavi and Araújo

Published:16/03/2022 - 09:30h

Updated:16/03/2022 - 13:40h

Barcelona knows that it must renew Gavi and Ronald Araújo as soon as possible, two of its most important players. Despite this, the offers of several English teams have complicated the negotiations

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The arrival of Xavi Hernández to the FC Barcelona​ has given him a twist of 180 degrees to the reality of the staff. Several players have obtained much more leadership, while others have gone it losing. However, everything is part of the diagram of game that has posed the trainer and of the sportive project that has the institution for the next years.

The youngest footballers have had opportunities, and some of them have given the big jump inside the plantel. Gavi And Nico are the proof of this, being this last the one who would obtain index card of the first team does grieve some months. Nevertheless, Ronald Araújo and Gavi have had a much more important paper for the egarense, being usual or indisputable headlines like the case of the Uruguayan.

It is thus that the club has tried to renew his agreements to armour them by several seasons, although the pressure that have exerted other teams have complicated the negotiations with the surroundings of both footballers. The most complex case is the one of Araújo. With 22 years, projects like one of the best head offices of his generation, and has asked him to the Barça some emolumentos of agreement to his performance. In spite of this, the Catalans continue without approaching postures and from the Premier have not left to happen the opportunity.

The Barça, in aprietos

According to several informations of distinct media, the Manchester United has put him on the table eight million net euros by season if it does not lengthen his bond with the culés. By his part, the Arsenal also wants to obtain the services of the 'oriental' and has proposed him six 'kilos' annual, a more modest sum but much more 'powerful that the last offer of the Barcelona, that rondaba the three millions to the year.

While, Gavi also has left 'want to' by his beaux of the English League. The Liverpool has seen the big projection that has the Andalusian to his 17 years, and has done contact with his surroundings to offer him six millions, although it has not existed any answer.

Joan Laporta has left clear in his last statements to the official means of the club that will not do madnesses for fichar neither renew to players. This leaves to the Barça in a big crossing: or it does his duties to reach the proposals of his competitors or could see leave free to two of his 'jewels' in summer of 2023. The time will dictate sentence.

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