Oriol Busquets, a versatile reinforcement and without costs for Barça
Published:3/05/2020 - 22:44h
Updated:3/05/2020 - 23:02h
Oriol Busquets, canterano that the Barça yielded to the Twente Dutch, ensured that his idea is to do the pre-season with the Barcelona in spite of the interest of other teams in him
The midfield players bred in The Masia always have been the maxima benefited to have 'DNA Barça'. From very young has taught them the automatisms that has to have a Barcelona player in the medullary. Something that does them be students aventajados and that facilitates them a lot the things to the youngsters when they arrive to the filial and, later, give the jump to the first team.
This is the case of Oriol Busquets, mediocentro of 21 years bred in the inferior categories of the Barcelona club that was yielded to the Twente of the Eredivisie Dutch with the aim to give him minutes for 'foguearse' and mature like footballer. In the Low Countries, the midfield player of Sant Feliu of Guíxols has curtido and has achieved to do a gap like titling indisputable.
"If it is for remaining me in the Barça, game where do lacking"
In a recent interview conceded to 'L'Esportiu', Oriol Busquets spoke about his future and of what has learnt in his stay in the Twente, that could finalise the next month of June. The mediocentro Catalan left clear that "my idea is to do the pre-season with the first team" before deciding what walk to take, although his priority is "to triumph in the Barça".
The namesake of Sergio, key player in the first team with which curiously shares also position, spoke about one of the keys of his mejoría: the polivalencia. Oriol Busquets went always mediocentro in the Barça, but in Holland has surrendered very well also in the position of head office. "If the polivalencia that have won in the Twente gives me more options, welcome was this polivalencia", commented.
The canterano commented that it did him difficult adapt, but that finally cost him a lot the penalty. "At the beginning, everything did me new. It did not expect it and it did not do me a lot of grace. In the first parties did not know the mechanisms and cost me. But, to measure that was playing, went me feeling more comfortable and finish enjoying of the position. At the end, it has come me well. I am more polyvalent that before, can play in two positions", explained.
It interests to several teams
His performance in the Eredivisie has been excellent and is thus that some teams already have called to his door for tantear his possible incorporation. During the interview was asked after the interest of German teams like the Mainz, the Hamburg, the Werder Bremen and the Colony, or Spaniards like the Real Valladolid and the Sportive Alavés. "Yes, they have gone asking all these teams", answered.