Messi, upper in the comparative with Cristiano


Partners and former partners of Messi and Cristiano talk about who is better

Published:19/04/2020 - 08:39h

Updated:19/04/2020 - 08:39h

Messi and Cristiano have distributed the Ballons d'Or, the Golden Boots and many of the collective trophies in the last 12 years. Former teammates and current teammates of yours who have played with both have gotten wet saying who is better than both

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The discussion between who is better or more decisive between Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo​ always has been here and will follow here with the step of the years. What is indisputable is that both have been the best of his generation and have dominated to his way the world-wide football. So much one like the another have won it everything to level of clubs, have delivered the Boots of Gold, the Balloons of Gold and have marked more goals that anybody in the world.

For many debate if Christian or somebody in general is better that the Argentinian is an absurd discussion, since the rosarino plays in another league. Nevertheless, this debate is very real for quite a lot of people and is therefore by what the newspaper 'The Sun' has wanted to know in first person what think the players that have shared changing room with the two. The mentioned English newspaper has collected the opinion of 12 footballers that have played with both along his career.

Of the 12, five have left clear that the captain of the FC Barcelona is by on, whereas only one has defended that the best is the Portuguese. Six did not wet and preferred to praise to both in place to remain with one. The names of the five footballers that chose to Leo above Ronaldo are Gerard Hammered, Henrik Larsson, Ángel Gave María, Fernando Gago and Ezequiel Garay.

Leftover say that I Hammered has shared changing room with the Argentinian more years that anybody and that it is a faithful admirer of his game. With CR7, the Catalan coincided several years to the start of his career in the Manchester United. It was not the best version of the Portuguese, but still like this speaks with property. I gave María himself knew to both in his maximum splendour, since it played with the luso in the Real Madrid and with the '10' in Argentina, and does not doubt that "Messi is the best of the world". Larsson Only played a year with the '7' in Old Trafford and with the Barcelona in his starts in the Barcelona, but neither has doubted when remaining with Leo, the same that Gago and Garay, that were a pair of years to his side in the Bernabéu and with Messi in the selection.

The ones of the vote in white

Four players that have preferred to not to wet have been Paulo Dybala, Gonzalo Higuaín, Carlos Tévez, Nélson Semedo and André Gomes. 'The Jewel' and the 'Pipita' share changing room right now with the Portuguese in the Juventus and with Leo in Argentina, by what is normal that prefer to not to position. The 'Apache', that enjoyed with CR7 in the United several campaigns and with the Barcelona in the selection, feels lucky to having been able to play with the two. On the other hand, the lusos Semedo and Gomes neither can decant by any of them.

Deco, that was with Messi when the Argentinian began to despuntar and with CR7 in his starts in Portugal, neither remained with any, but praised to both. Nevertheless, the Portuguese put to Ronaldinho above the two. "It is clear that so much Read like Christian are the biggest, but anybody has impressed me as much as Ronaldinho", explained the ex of the Port wine and of the Barça.

Finally, the only player that has played with the two that remains with Christian before that with Messi is Gabriel Heinze. The Argentinian coincided several years with the culé in the combined albiceleste and with the Portuguese in the United three years. In the English picture enjoyed of big moments to his side and thinks that is better that his compatriot. In definite, a support for the ex madridista and five for the barcelonista.