Marc-André ter Stegen in a training session of Barça | FCB


It would threaten the continuity of Ter Stegen next season

Published:4/03/2020 - 12:04h

Updated:4/03/2020 - 16:21h

The last informations launched by Catalonia Ràdio desvelan the possible doubts of Marc-André ter Stegen of face to his continuity in the FC Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Marc-André ter Stegen has turned into one of the key players​ of the FC Barcelona in the last seasons. The cancerbero German has turned into a safe of life under the sticks, so much by some interventions milagrosas that have given points and titles as by his formidable game of feet, that allows that his mates always have an exit with him.

Thus, they are especially worrisome the informations that gave this week the journalist Lluis Canut in the program 'The club of the Mitjanit' of Catalonia Ràdio and Esport 3. The Catalan desveló the anecdote that another journalist lived, in which this proposed him to the goalkeeper of the FC Barcelona the possibility to draft and publish a biography of face to the next year.

The answer of Ter Stegen would have been of the more inquietante, since the German would have refused the proposal of the journalist ensuring him not having the certainty of if the next season will be still in the FC Barcelona. Some doubts that are really worrisome for the barcelonismo, since the germano is a player totally irremplazable by all what contributes on the terrain of game.

According to the same informations, the doubts of Ter Stegen come fed by some episodes complicated that has lived in the FC Barcelona. Some of them are the doubtful results of the Barcelona team or a supposed fight with Leo Messi during a training does some weeks. Although, seemingly, the incident with the Argentinian star finally would have remained in at all.

It is necessary to remember also the statements of Ter Stegen does hardly some months: "we have not played to the level that wanted to be, have not done the things well, luckily have added the three points, but have to speak between us of some things". In this occasion, the German showed frustrated by the game of the team and, lamentably, neither the sportive situation neither the game have improved since.

Ter Stegen Finishes agreement in 2022

Ter Stegen Has a clause of rescission of 180 million euros and an agreement until 30 June of the 2022. Given the circumstances, foresees complicated that the germano can leave this summer, since the Barça will not negotiate. Nevertheless, if it decides not renewing, would remain free in hardly two years and half. It is here where the informations of Canut can generate some worry to the barcelonismo by a goalkeeper that, with 27 years, still can give him a lot to the club.