Luis Suárez, applauding to the fans of the Camp Nou


Poyet fuels the rumors about the departure of Luis Suárez

Published:1/06/2020 - 18:54h

Updated:1/06/2020 - 18:54h

The course of Luis Suárez of the FC Barcelona, already was this summer or the following, is one of the rumours that wins strength. The technical Gustavo Poyet increased it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

During the last weeks, one of the considered 'intocables' is waking up the interest of some clubs that contemplate his possible exit of the Barça. It treats of Luis Suárez, a player that finishes his links with the Barcelona club in the month of June of 2021 but that, in a clause desvelada by him same, has option to extend his agreement a season more, until 2022.

It is necessary to take into account, however, that the Uruguayan has the third higher wage of the staff after Leo Messi and of Antoine Griezmann and that the Barça could not to see with the sufficient economic muscle to tackle all the mass salarial of his stars. In this case, the Uruguayan, to his 33 years, would be one of the 'heavy weights' that would have more options to do the cases.

"If Marcelo Tinelli encourages to hire to Luis Suarez for Saint Lorenzo, go to direct it tomorrow same"

It does some weeks, Bernardo Romeo ensured that the president of Saint Lorenzo, Marcelo Tinelli, has thought to make him a proposal to Suárez. In some statements to 'The Show of the Premier League' collected by 'TNT Sports', Gustavo Poyet, ex trainer of the Betis that now is without team, followed feeding the rumours on this operation. "If Tinelli encourages to hire to Suarez for Saint Lorenzo, go to direct it tomorrow same", ensured.

The own Luis Suárez recognised that it has him affection to Saint Lorenzo, of the same way that Poyet. "With my team of baby football of Uruguay was two years to play to Argentina and the family that received me were fanatical. Justo Madelón is the surname of my wife. I was to a party of Saint Lorenzo and hit me the bloated, connected me and left me something distinct", said the Uruguayan trainer.

The experiences of Poyet

Poyet Also headed to a mythical Argentinian player like Carlos Tevez in the Shanghai Shenhua, of the league of China. "What causes Tevez is impressive. It is the player that directed that more repercussion has. Never I spoke so much of a mine player as of him. The Argentinians called me more in this year that in all my life. It seemed that had to the president of the Republic in the plantel", kidded.

Besides, the ex player of big English clubs like the Tottenham or Chelsea, recognised that it is opened to listen offers of the football sudamericano. "I was a lot of enclosed years to Sudamérica, but seeing what did Jorge Jesús in Flamengo invites me to think and no it descarto. He was, headed a project, gave him silver for reinforcements and finished winning the Libertadores", sentenced.