Rafinha Alcántara debuted with victory in Paris Saint-Germain (0-4)
Published:17/10/2020 - 15:30h
Updated:17/10/2020 - 21:24h
Paris Saint-Geramain goleó in his meeting of Tie1, in front of the Nimes, in the première of Rafinha Alcántara, that was protagonist assisting and causing a red cardboard
In situation of return after the stop of selections, in which the 'Virus FIFA', as always, has left footprint, Paris Saint-Germain confronted to the Nimes, in Tie it1, with until ten drops. In spite of the problems, finally, thanks to two goals of Mbappé and other two of Florenzi and Pablo Sarabia, the team of the capital achieved to do with a victory accommodated.
Precisely the big quantity of injuries that suffered the PSG, went an opportunity of gold for Rafinha Alcántara, that had the opportunity to debut with his new team and to have a leading paper. We remember that the Brazilian player, in the last hours of the past market of signings, finished in Paris,after a traspaso of three million variable euros.
Rafinha Alcántara shines in the PSG
The exjugador of the FC Barcelona had his first minutes like left interior, just by the band that occupied Kylian Mbappé, after the absence of Neymar Jr, player that, as it would recognise Tuchel in press conference, is reserving for the Champions. Nevertheless, the frank connection-Brazilian was very effective during the party, in fact, of an assistance of Rafinha would arrive the first so much of Mbappé.
The big conditioning of the meeting was the red cardboard that Loïk Landre received after propinar a patada criminal, to the height of the hip, on the own Rafael Alcántara, in the minute 12 of the first part. Obviously, the rest of the meeting was a monologue of the PSG that achieved shoots to door until in 11 occasions, seven of which, found with a big Baptiste Reynet.
The PSG already occupies the first position of Tie it1
In spite of having begun the competition of a deafening form, so much sportive like extradeportivamente - taking into account the percal between Neymar Jr and Álvaro González - Paris Saint-Germain already has achieved to trace back and classify in the first place in the table of Tie it1. Taking into account the competitiveness of the French league, is likely that do not lose the place to the end of the competition.