Already it does months that Ivan Rakitic lives a delicate situation in the FC Barcelona. To sportive level, the Croatian midfield player is not having a simple season since it happened to be indisputable to a player of rotation. Besides, the rumours that situate him in another team from the next summer do not leave to appear, as well as those that hang him the poster of footballer transferible.

But now the Croat is not thinking in this, but in finishing the season harvesting successes with the T-shirt of the Barça. In an interview for the newspaper Marks in reason of the fifth anniversary of the last Champions League of the Barça, Rakitic spoke no only of what gave of if this historical campaign in which it obtained the doublet, but also of how sees the end of the current.

In the first place, it recognised that the pandemia has changed completely no only the form to work, but the format of the football during the next times. "For all will be a very different situation. There is a before and after the quarantine of the virus, this is clear. We come to have a bad time it and to work each one in his house, now come the parties to enclosed door, will be everything very different", affirmed.

"We want to improve a lot of things"

Rakitic Also insisted in that the group is very joined and motivated to improve and finish the season to a big level. "To sportive level, want to improve a lot of things because we knew that we had to do it. This also is very evident and have it present. We are working well, there is a fantastic environment in the changing room. It gives taste be now in the Sportive City with the clear aims", commented.

The Croat, besides, ensured that the aim of the team is to win the Champions League and LaLiga and that thinks that are qualified. "Ojalá Can arrive to the end of August and raise the two titles. We work with this idea and think that is possible. Want to do it. Everything will be different. It is necessary to prepare well and see the format of the competition and if they are to only party. It is necessary to be to tope in these two months, have a big opportunity and want to take advantage of it", sentenced.

The future of Rakitic

Ivan Rakitic finishes his agreement with the FC Barcelona in June of 2021, what means that, in a year, the Croat will be free to leave free. It is thus that the club considers him transferible, although it is connoisseur that the midfield player has the frying pan by the mango. His favourite destination is the Seville, but the hispalenses are not had to pay traspaso by him, reason by which avecina serial.