The market of signings of the summer 2020 has numerous leading in the FC Barcelona, and one of them is Ivan Rakitic. To the of Möhlin does several seasons that pursue him the rumours on his future, and already has surrendered in his request of a contractual improvement that does not go to arrive. The circumstances are not the suitable, and everything aims to that his limit in the City Condal will be the links that still ties him until 2021.
In spite of that the resumption of the season is increasingly near, in the Camp Nou speaks a lot of traspasos, and between which more sound is the one of the Croatian. The press ensures that there are tensions with the directive because the crack wants to escape of the speculations and his 'bosses' neither confirm neither deny, but the true is that it is usual to see him like coin of change in numerous barters, something that does not seat him well.
And it is that the ex of the Seville has heaved the voice in several occasions to warn that it does not want to be treated like commodity and for recalcar that only thinks in Barcelona. Although it is true that has left want to by the Andalusians, thinking in a possible return, and by some big, like the Juventus, also is it that his commitment is out of all doubt and that his priority is to remain in the changing room barcelonista.
As 'Sportive World', there are several reasons that push to the midfield player to bet by the culés, and the main is the confidence that offers him Quique Setién. To sportive level, Ernesto Valverde decanted for accelerating the relief in the medullary and sent him to the bench, but, although with the Cantabrian has not recovered his situation of indisputable, yes has improved a lot his account of minutes. The footballer has the feeling that the trainer goes him to keep connected to what subtracts of campaign and probably to the following, in which they will abound the rotations.
To this feeling joins the will of Rakitic to leave a deeper footprint in the Barça, and to sack in style. Since it arrived in 2014 it has been a pillar of the staff, and does not want to convert now in a secondary or a descarte. The quoted half adds that it dreams with raising another Champions League with the team, something that already did in 2015 precisely annotating a goal in the final in front of the 'vecchia signora'.
The Barça offers guarantees to Rakitic
Although with the crisis of the coronavirus will touch to recess the mass salarial, the Barça offers some guarantees to Rakitic that others can not. To sportive level, is seguró that will compete year after year by all the available trophies, and to economic level, has a difficult wage to equalise. This is a ballast that the entity tries to leave to a side, and by which has not expressed with clarity with regard to his exit. In any case, is clear that there are pending meetings on the way to the window estival, in which it will be necessary to resolve his future once and for all.