Robert Lewandowski en un partido del Barça


Robert Lewandowski breaks his scoring drought in time

Published:8/09/2023 - 22:17h

Updated:8/09/2023 - 22:17h

The double with Poland has certified that Robert Lewandowski is back or that, at least, he wants to insist on being decisive. The 35-year-old player had had a gray end to the season and the sensations continued in the first games of this season, but he seems to have taken a step forward

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Although the confidence is full, has existed some worry by Robert Lewandowski in the FC Barcelonto because it has not been to 100% and has not showed so participatory, as it accustomed. However (and in spite of this) already has added two goals in LaLiga, against Villarreal and Osasuna, in addition to signing a doublet in front of Islands Feroe to concretise the victory of Poland in the Eliminatory for the Eurocopa 2024.

The ariete of 35 years wants to direct, again, to his selection to a tournament of maximum level and is desquitándose after all the criticisms that has received in his country by his performance after the World-wide of Qatar. Lewandowski, that still has a lot of goals in his boots, wants to claim and has 'enchufado' to time after a drought goleadora improper of him.

Lewandowski Insists in recovering the goal

Like this then , the ex the Bayern has added three parties followed seeing goal. His last goal had arrived on 23 May, in the defeat of the blaugrana in the house of the Valladolid (3-1). It was key in the two last parties of the Barça, place marked the goal of the victory in The Ceramics (3-4) and The Sadar (1-2), after causing and convert a penalti to fault of five minutes for the end of the statutory time. With Poland, in less than ten minutes, signed a doublet to ensure three points of gold.

It is not a secret for anybody that the ariete Polish is not especially comfortable with the system with which is playing the Barça and that would prefer to go back to the 4-3-3, drawing with which thinks that the team shows his best offensive version. "We have been struggling to create more occasions in the parties... When we see to go in to players that go to forward, believe more occasions. Sometimes we do not play with sufficient players of attack, do not have support... So I look for the best solution for the team", said recently.

The Barça needs to Lewandowski

Although the blaugrana follow with the same system and hardly Xavi Hernández change the option to play with four midfield players, Lewandowski has showed more incisive and 'smart' to take advantage of the second played, refuse and impose in the area. For the Barça is key that recover his more offensive version and was still in ascending line, put the team has a lot of 'dependency' in his goals.

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