Ronald Araújo, a leader in the changing room: "The character helps me to my and to the team"
Published:30/01/2021 - 15:01h
Updated:30/01/2021 - 17:07h
The player of the FC Barcelona, Araújo, has desvelado how feels in the Barcelona picture, his dreams and wishes for the team in the next years
Ronald Araújo has been one of the big disclosures of the FC Barcelona in this season and a proof of the big talent that there is in The Farm. The Uruguayan debuted this season in the first team and in little time has turned into an indisputable headline in the approach of Ronald Koeman and in one of the leaders of the changing room culé, in spite of his short age and experience.
In an interview with 'Sportive World', the player of the Barça has spoken on his first months in the first team and his adaptation to a full changing room of stars, in which it has achieved to adapt to perfection. Araújo Has recognised that "work to be able to be here a lot of years, is one of my aims and something that would like me. It likes me a lot the Barça and all what is the Barça and want to be here a lot of years. If it gives the possibility to be ten years here would be very happy. And afterwards, the rest, the of a day be captain or what was, this will arrive alone".
In the changing room consider him like one of the leaders and able players to organise and motivate to his mates, especially after having been the protagonist of the speech before the batch of penaltis in front of the Real Sociedad, in the semifinals of the Supercopa of Spain. "It is one of the characteristics that have, the character, the impose, and think that is something beautiful because it helps me to me and help to the team. It likes me be speaking at all times", aimed.
In the New Arcángel, the Uruguayan youngster dressed of captain and pushed to his team to give a last effort from the eleven metres, by in front of a lot of veterans that also were there, included the own Lionel Messi. "That was a moment difficult and memory perfectly what said them, that enjoyed this moment, that pateáramos with tranquility and that had good pateadores and that whatever happens had to have the high head because we had done a big party".
Comparisons for dressing the dorsal 4?
Also it has referred to that saw the dorsal number 4, one that already have used historical players of the Barcelona picture like Pep Guardiola, Márquez, Rakitic and Ronald Koeman, that is his trainer now and with the one who keeps a good relation. "They are players that left his marked name in the club and look forward to to mark my name, have my path and that ojalá other people that avenge with the 4 can say is the number that carried Araujo, would be very beautiful", recognised. On the Dutch technician, highlighted that "from the pre-season work enough, the míster knows enough to defensive level because it played here. It says us in each training sew that do and things that correct, look and analyse videos of the parties and of the goals against to be able to correct and that do not go back to happen".
"Koeman Says us in each training sew that do and things that correct, look and analyse videos of the parties"
Besides that, the Uruguayan is conscious that it is compared (constantly) with Gerard Hammered by his skills, but instead of considering it like a competition, has recognised that it fixes a lot in his mate to follow improving, by the experience that has the Catalan. "It likes me look as it plays with the ball", said, since it is something that he felt that it was missing him for developing to be to the level of the requirements in Can Barça. It has highlighted, also, that admires to 'Geri' because although it is is not a very fast player, always is very ublicado. "Each day treat to take out him a juguito to him in each party and in each training", highlighted.
It could arrive to the Real Madrid?
In the talk with 'MD', Araújo has remembered with emotion how arrived to the FC Barcelona, from Uruguay. It commented that it was taking a siesta when his representative called him and said him that it prepared because it went to Europe some days afterwards, without knowing the destination. After insisting, said him that there was "a possibility to be able to arrive to the Barça, that also there were other offers, and I very happy very ilusionado raised me, called to my parents, that was the first that did always, and was very happy but it was necessary to expect that they gave more things to be able to carry to the Barça", recognised.
Regarding the others offers that had on the table, Araújo recognised that there was one of the Real Madrid, but in this moment did not know it. "There were several offers and in is moment did not say me that an era of the Madrid. Afterwards more advance yes I knew that there was an offer of the Madrid, as well as of other teams, but happy to having arrived to the Barça and follow here", remembered.
Also it has recognised that Ramón Plans, that went his 'discoverer', has helped him a lot of to adapt in Barcelona, highlighting that "it came of out, was my first time in Europe and there were changes very big. Arrive to a big city, to a big club, and Ramón always was an important pillar since I arrived to the club. Always helping me no only in the sportive but in the day in day out in the life and in things that learn of here", sentenced.