The letters of Sergi Barjuan to go out victorious of the 'final' in Kiev


Sergi answers to the bitter tie in Vigo: "you Look the staff and are playing with boys"

Published:6/11/2021 - 20:28h

Updated:6/11/2021 - 21:33h

Sergi Barjuan, interim technician of the FC Barcelona, aims that "it is not excuse, but in each party fall players" and refuses to clear the 'case Coutinho'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Sergi Barjuan explained grieve to the beginning of his last press conference like trainer of the first team of the FC Barcelona that "is not an excuse, but in each party fall players". The technician considers that "if you have to do three changes, and the three by injury, have to change the tactical system. It does not serve like excuse, but yes is true that influences in the final performance".

Going in more in detail of the change of guion of the Barcelona team after the rest, commented that "in the second half have shut us too much". And it has added that "those that have gone out did not know very good how situate". Barjuan Considers that "in the first part had it fact very well. But it has been a pity. Have to remain us with the idea of the first part of the game. We have been very brave, with the very high line, it is necessary to see what has happened in the second part and look for solutions".

Conscious that it was his last commitment to the control of the bench of the first team, Sergi signalled that "it is clear that remains a final aftertaste, but basically am happy because what have tried to transmit to the players have understood it".

With regard to the options of the team of face to the future, the interim technician considers that "in each party it is necessary to look for different resources because they go falling players and this is difficult to manage. When have all the available players, with competition, surely is a team that can bet to more things".

It did not coincide with the opinion of Frenkie of Jong that aimed that it was missing 'personality', because "if you look the staff, go playing with boys and is true that do the war separately is difficult. It is not a question of youngsters and veterans. It is difficult to do this assessment when you see that they are missing so many players. If they are all, the training is better, all want to play. We go with pieces explained".

Case Coutinho?

When being questioned by the attitude of Coutinho, that purportedly would have denied to go out, Sergi has denied to be connoisseur of this: "I have not fixed me in at all of this. I am not slope of the bench, but in which they play. In ten days have tried that all had something of 'feeling' with me, is clear that those that do not play have less. I have taken decisions and Coutinho has not played".

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