The debate on who are the best footballers in each position always has existed and in the FC Barcelona is not the exception. They have had the fortune to have between his rows to players that, by himself alone, marked and mark differences; that they are able to carry to the team to the shoulders to define a party. In the goal, have been a lot the names that have gone through the Camp Nou and that have made history dresses of Barcelona in a position more than difficult and in which the competition is maximum.

The Catalans have had guardametas that are between the best of the history of the deport king and that left his footprint in the team. From Antoni Ramallets until Andoni Zubizarreta, going through goalkeepers of the size of Victor Valdés or remembering the level that has showed Marc-André ter Stegen since recaló in the club in 2014, are many the goalkeepers that have 'litigated' by the title like the best of the history of the Barça. Thus, from FCBN ask us who is, in your opinion, the best player that has defended the Barcelona goal in the history:

The name more imponente is, sure, the one of Victor Valdés, one of the big leaders and leading of the generation of gold of the Barça of this century. Since Louis go Gaal of 'test' in 2002, was growing until turning into an indisputable footballer. In total, contested 539 parties with the Barcelona T-shirt in which it achieved 21 titles to remain in the olimpo of the footballers that more trophies have accumulated in the club. Between his big attainments, are the three Champions League in his list of winners (2006, 2009 and 2011). It left in 2014.

Andoni Zubizarreta, between 1986 and 1994, has been one of the big references of the goal in the Barça and Spain. It arrived to the City Condal converting, in this moment, in the put more expensive of the history and was a vital piece for the Dream Team of Johan Cruyff, standing out his participation in the achievement of the first Glass of Europe of the Catalans in 1992. For many, is one of the best of the history in his place. It played, in total, 410 clashes and added eleven trophies.

Ramallets, Sadurní and Urruticoechea, historical of the Barça

The fans more 'veteran' of the Barcelona and big group historians of the football put the name of Antoni Ramallets on the table. And it is not little thing. It was indisputable from 1949 until 1961 and one of the guardametas more remembered of Spain by his performance in the World-wide of 1950 by which awarded him the nickname of 'Cat of Maracaná' and for forming part of the Barcelona generation of the five glasses. In 387 parties, added at all more and at all less than 18 titles.

Another very remembered goalkeeper was, precisely, the successor of Ramallets: Salvador Sadurní, one of the canteranos with greater path in the Barça and a footballer to the that remember with a lot of affection in the club by his impetus, win to litigate and capacity for never rendirsand although, by stretches, was not indisputable headline and 'litigated' the opportunities with Pesudo, Reign or Muslim. It dressed of Barcelona in 332 occasions (5 trophies).

A very important name in the history of the club is the one of Javier Urruticoechea, the one who for many is the hero of the title of League that won the Barça in 1985. It is one of the big legends of the club by his step between the 1981 and 1988. Pedro María Artola, to the one who called 'Saint Artola' the fans by his stellar performances, or Juan Zambudio Velasco, that is between the best goalkeepers of the decade of the 40 go in between the historical of the Barça.

Ter Stegen... Between the best of the history?

Between the most recent names is Marc-André ter Stegen that keeps his candidature like one of the most important goalkeepers in the books of the Barça. From the 2024/2025, if it confirms the exit of Sergi Roberto, will be the captain of the first team and an indisputable player by his leadership and capacity to appear in the moment indicated, when more it needs it the team, to mark differences. Especially in the last years has 'showed' that there is few better that he. It is a synonymous of reliability under the three sticks. Claudio Bravo also appears in the conversations, although it was very little time in the City Condal. It was part of the staff that won the tiplete in the 2014/2015, being a key figure.