It is not secret for anybody that the FC Barcelona has been 'cradle' of big talents in the world of the football. It has been the house of many of the footballers that have 'colado' between the best in his respective positions and that have left (or are leaving) his footprint in the sport king. In the goal, has not been the exception. Along the years, the Barcelona entity has had guardametas of renown that have been vital for the operation of the team and dress of heroes when more it has been necessary.

From Antoni Ramallets until Victor Valdés, recognising to goalkeepers like Andoni Zubizarreta or the current case of Marc-André ter Stegen, the debate on who has been the best in all the history of the Barça always has been open. There is those who take in account the number of parties and titles, as well as those who put in value the direct influence of his performance, without mattering his list of winners. Recently, in FCBN did a survey on who, according to our readers, has been the most important and decisive in the almost 125 years of history of the Catalan entity. To continuation, review the results:

Victor Valdés (2002-2014)

For 33% of the participants of the survey, Victor Valdés is the best goalkeeper of the history of the Barça. It was born in The Masia and was rising until doing with a fixed place in the first team, extending his command under the three sticks by 12 years. It is the guardameta that more titles has in his list of winners, with 21 in 539 presentations, and formed part of the generation of Barcelona gold that won the sextete. Between his big attainments, is the achievement of three Champions League.

His footprint in the Barcelona group is imborrable and is, without place to doubt, one of the best goalkeepers of his generation. It did not have luck in the selection of Spain, by the presence of Iker Boxes, but in the Barça his command was absolute. In addition to his interventions and unemployed milagrosas, that saved a lot of problems to the Catalan group, stood out for being a very skillful goalkeeper to give exit of balloon by his precision in the passes.

Marc-André ter Stegen (from 2014)

31% of the participants have determined that the guardameta of Mönchengladbach is the better second goalkeeper of the history of the Barça. Already it carries a decade in the City Condal and has turned into a safe of life under the three sticks, especially in these last seasons. The difference with Valdés has been 'minimum' because it is a player that has showed to be a vital piece and has turned into a 'hero' for the team in a very complicated period that it has not been full of titles as in previous years.

Especially in the last 3-4 years the value of Ter Stegen has been much bigger. It is a leader and a footballer that has been able to change the dynamics of the parties by himself same, although it is under the goal. It was the big hero of LaLiga of the season 22/24 and his proof has not happened unobserved for the fans culé. Andn ten years, has contested4 412 official parties and has added 18 trophies.

Andoni Zubizarreta (1986-1994)

Of the 'old' school, probably the name of Zubizarreta has been one of the most important in the European football and with the Barça was not the exception. Between 1986 and 1994 it turned into a guardameta indisputable and a vital piece in the famous Dream Team of Johan Cruyff. It has remained in the third position, with 13% of the votes. It played 410 parties in eight years in the City Condal, adding eleven titles in his list of winners.

Claudio Bravo (2014-2016)

The guardameta Chilean has been the one who less time has happened in the Barça, but even like this has been voted by 8% of the participants. His impact in the club was more than notorious and turned into a goalkeeper that quickly marked differences and imposed . It arrived at the same time that Marc-André Stegen and advanced him in the plans of Luis Enrique, to the point that it was to title so much in LaLiga as in the Champions League. It was one of the heroes of the triplete of 2015. It left in August of 2016 to the Manchester City.

Antoni Ramallets (1947-1961)

They did not see it (or we saw) a lot of play to Antoni Ramallets between 1947 and 1961, but to day of today continues being one of the guardametas more referential of the history of the Barça. It obtained 4% of the votes and, those who remember him of his go through the Camp Nou, stand out that it was a goalkeeper that changed the dynamics of the parties in case same and that converted , a night yes and the another also, in the hero of the team under the three sticks. It was very rapido, agile and an expert in reading the intentions of his rival. It turned into indisputable from 1949 until his exit. His bagaje is of 387 parties and 18 titles. Had five trophies Zamoras consecutive.

Juan Zambudio Velasco (1942-1955)

With the same percentage of votes has remained Velasco, a goalkeeper that has been recnocido in the Barça by his courage and for having turned into the first Zamora in the history of the club, in the 1947/48. It condemned him an ocular injury that propició the wake up of Ramallets. Of him, the fans but veterans stand out his abstemiousness and efficiency defending the Barcelona goal.


Salvador Sadurní (1961-1976)

Sadurní Is one of the big myths of the goal of the Barça after being in the Barcelona staff during 16 seasons and heave with until 3 trophies Zamoras. They remember him like a 'wall', a very humble player and that at all times showed loyalty and commitment with the Barça during the 332 parties that was in the team, adding six titles.


Franz Platko (1923-1930)

It is the big goalkeeper of the years 20 and happened to the posterioridad, in addition to his performance in the years in which it was in the Barça, by the poet Rafael Alberti and his poem "Oda to Platko" that resumió the importance of his rl in a final of the Glass deEspaña of 1928. "... Platko Was tackled so furiously by the ones of the Real Sociedad that remained bloodstained, without sense, to few metres of his place, but with the balloon between his arms (...) It appeared again, vendada the head, strong and beautiful, decided to leave kill". It was a goalkeeper with a lot of harp and that later trained the Barcelona group in the 1934/35.


Pedro María Artola (1976-1984)

It is one of the big goalkeepers remembered in Can Barça by his agility, abstemiousness and security under the three sticks. A safe of life for the Catalans to the that called "Sant Artola Gloriós" by his interventions milagrosas and big reflections. It won a trophy Zamora in the 1977/78 and remember him, especially, by a party in front of the Beveren in which it signed a stellar performance that saved and classified to the Barcelona. In this occasion, precisely, awarded him his nickname.


Javier Urruticoechea (1981-1988)

Finally, it is the one who went the successor of Artola: Javier González Urruticoechea, "Urruti", to the one who also remember him like one of the most stood out players in the goal of the Barça by his agility, good reflections or the security that offered in the field, but also for being a born leader in this period. It was an exceptional player and only lost the titularity when it arrived Andoni Zubizarreta to the team in 1986.