Joao Félix en el partido del Barça ante el Athletic


Joao Felix's 24 should be a turning point in his career

Published:10/11/2023 - 20:39h

Updated:10/11/2023 - 20:39h

The Barça did a big effort the past summer to be able to fichar to Joao Félix and needs that the luso deliver his best version, one that besides seems already compulsory when reaching already his 24 years of age

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joao Félix celebrates this Friday 10 November his birthday number 24. The forward of the FC Barcelona begins to go in from now in a moment the one who that already a lot of analysts, fans and even trainers begin you to consider a footballer that already has to be consolidated and that that process of learning and of maduration no longer has so much margin.

To be a footballer of elite, as his talent allows him be in a lot of moments, already to the 24 years, even to the 23, the players are used to to give this definite jump in which they already assume the responsibility to be important and decisive in each party. Although the out of series like Messi, Cristiano, Mbappé or Neymar -for quoting some- could do it before, yes that for Joao begins a very important year for his career.

A very interesting career that has to be still in promotion

Without having had a too conditioned career by the injuries, the Portuguese needs to improve some registers that by the moment have him with some 200 parties like player of first division, marking 60 goals roughly, in addition to surpassing the 30 assistances. Like this, the luso has been able to have a direct participation of goal almost in one of each two parties that contests, but is a relation that can improve much more if from this Friday his career can fill of regularity.

In the current season the forward, yielded by the Athletic of Madrid, had a stellar arrival in the Barcelona group. After debuting going out from the bench in front of Osasuna, signed three goals and an assistance in a week in the goleadas to the Betis (5-0) and the Royal Amberes (5-0) and the traced back against the Celtic (3-2), but from that moment the situation has showed precisely what mentioned before.

Joao Félix has to be decisive in the Barça

And it is that since it chains ten parties without marking, nine of them going out like titling, taking into account of course that have been in the duels in which also it has noticed a descent in the level of general game of the Catalan team. Improve his level of face to door, being able to associate with key mates like Lewandowski or Pedri, those who in a similar sense also look for to find his best version.

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