Ousmane Dembélé, expelled


Barça forces Dembélé to be in the 'Clásico' and submits allegations

Published:7/10/2019 - 18:24h

Updated:7/10/2019 - 18:25h

Ousmane Dembélé was expelled against Sevilla for inconsiderate towards Mateu Lahoz. Barça has already submitted allegations so that the Classic is not lost

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The victory of the FC Barcelona against the Seville can finish going out him very expensive to the Barcelona team. With the party being in decline and a marker of 4-0 favourable to the culés, Ousmane Dembélé saw the red cardboard for protesting him to Mateu Lahoz the previous expulsion of Ronald Araújo, and in the record appeared the desconsideración of the French to the referee.

As they attracted the cameras of television and as it explained the text drafted by Mateu Lahoz, Dembélé approached to the Valencian referee and him espetó "very bad, are very bad", reason by which saw the red direct. By the antecedents that exist by desconsideraciones alike, foresees that the sanction to the Frenchman could be of two parties.

If it fulfilled this prognosis, Dembélé could not play the Classical of LaLiga against the Real Madrid, that will contest the Saturday 26 October in the Camp Nou to the 13:00 hours (peninsular schedule Spanish). THE drop of the French is very sensitive, since in the last parties is offering a remarkable performance and is giving him a lot of depth to the team from the left band.

It is thus that the FC Barcelona will present allegations to the record of the party against the Seville that signed Mateu Lahoz to reduce the possible sanction to the extreme youngster culé, although it seems very complicated that to the French do not fall him the two parties of usual sanction in situations resembled the one who gave this Sunday in the Camp Nou.

The first resource will present to the Committee of Competition, although it seems complicated to avoid the sanction of two parties by this road. If it reaffirmed the sanction, the Barça will attend to the Committee of Appeal. As last resource, could attend to the Administrative Court of the Sport to access to a cautelar that allowed him to Dembélé be in the Classical.

Allegations also for Ronald Araújo

The FC Barcelona also will resort the another red cardboard of the party against the Seville, in this case sight by Ronald Araújo, that debuted with the first team. The record detailed that the young defence was expelled for "demolishing to an opponent preventing with this a self-evident action of goal", something that also will resort with the help of the images of the party.