Arturo Vidal in a training session of Barça | FCB


Barça will have 12 days to prepare with collective training

Published:27/05/2020 - 13:11h

Updated:27/05/2020 - 13:11h

From the next Monday, the FC Barcelona will be able to train of collective form and with some normality. There will be 12 days of preparation before the first party

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After 53 days without being able to train owing to the state of alarm by the coronavirus and of his consistent confinement, the players of the first staff of the FC Barcelona began does some days to exercise of individual form in the Ciutat Esportiva of Sant Joan Despí. Of course, all they happened the proofs of the COVID-19 for descartar that any of them suffered the illness.

Like this the things, from the past 8 May, the footballers confront to this 'new normality' marked by the protocols of security imposed by LaLiga and, especially, by the distance. Until two weeks ago, they allowed the trainings in the installations of the club, but always controlled, of individual form and with lejanía between the players to avoid hypothetical contagions.

From the Monday 18 of this same month, after receiving the special permission of the Government, allowed train in groups of no more than ten people in spite of that Barcelona and all his metropolitan area were still phase zero. To day of today, the City Condal is in phase 1 and still can not make the trainings with the group to the complete, but this situation will change from the next week.

In statements to the program 'The Partidazo' of the Chain COPE, Irene Lozano, president of the CSD (Upper Council of Sports), the clubs will have right from the next Monday to the collective trainings independently of the phase of desescalada in which it was the city in which it exercises each team. Something that will give access to the Barça to be able to train in group in spite of that will keep the phase 1.

"This already is solved", ensured the president Lozano, adding that "all the teams will be able to train in the same conditions, independently of the phase in which it find the city". It is thus that, according to the calendar estimated, Quique Setién will have a total of 12 days to prepare collective trainings with the group to the complete before the resumption of LaLiga.

The marked dates

The president of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, authorised the resumption of LaLiga from the next 8 June, reason by which from the 12 already could have the first parties. Given the circumstances, the Barça will have less than two weeks to prepare the clash that will contest in Sound Moix against the Mallorca.​ With all the players, to exception of the lesionados.

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