Ílkay Gündogan Has fallen of foot in the FC Barcelona. It has turned into one of the leaders of the team and an indisputable player. It has taken, of some way, the reins of the centre of the field to comport like one of the playmakers in the group culé. Has to Frenkie of Jong and Pedri González like his 'partners' and the results, up to now, are being very positive.

The international with Germany is very to taste in the City Condal, in spite of that has been wrapped in several controversies and rumours on a possible dissatisfied that his surroundings and he always have denied. It has adapted of wonders and, part of this, has been thanks to his good relation with Xavi Hernández to the that has compared with Pep Guardiola, his ancient trainer in the Manchester City.

The confessions of Gündogan

The midfield player has spoken in this regard in a recent interview conceded to 'France Football' in which it has reviewed several appearances of his career futbolística and, also, his actuality in in the Barça, confessing that has big hopes with the project that is forming in the Barça of face to the future and 'supporting' the comparative between trainers, those who were formed in the same house.

On this point, Gündogan has aimed to the French magazine that "has a lot of similarities with Guardiola. They have formed in the same place, have the same education futbolística and know the same requirements. They speak the same football. But I am hungry and still I want to learn. In the Barça still have to grow. Have way for visiting, but is a big project".

The challenge to play in the Barça

In this same order of ideas, the midfield player of 33 years has confessed that, in this stage in the Barça, does not want to put put concrete, but is conscious that the challenge is quite big: "I Want to follow playing to the highest level by some years, since I seat me very well. I was to Barcelona to assume a new challenge and test me in a big club. But I do not want to me fix concrete aims to have to win 'east, east and this title'. It is necessary to encourage and play of the best possible form. Afterwards, the victories will arrive".