Ansu Fati during a party of the FC Barcelona


The consequences that can have the next operation of Ansu Fati

Published:4/05/2021 - 19:01h

Updated:4/05/2021 - 23:16h

The jewel of the FC Barcelona, Ansu Fati, will subject to a meniscectomía in which it will extract him the internal meniscus of his knee, what could comport consequences on a long-term basis

Calendar of FC Barcelona

They did reality the bad presagios for Ansu Fati. Afterwards to subject to several attempts to avoid the extraction of the internal meniscus of his left knee, finally the jewel of the FC Barcelona will have to subject next Thursday to a meniscectomía partial, as it informed Sportive World. A surgical intervention that will keep it moved away of the fields by two months, and his return could make in the start of the pre-season of the new course.

After subjecting to a new arthroscopy the past month of March to see the state of the knee of the suture of the meniscus, decided finally extract the meniscus damaged. This decision was just the one who wanted to avoid the player, the club and the doctors because of the complexity and the risks to which confronts Ansu Fati. Precisely the step of the time ( lesionó the past 7 November) and the does not improve of his situation has carried to confront to the dangers that comports this new operation.

The extraction of the partial meniscus of his left knee could cause some consequences on a long-term basis in the career of Ansu Fati. The young promise of the Barça runs the risk to suffer an injury degenerativa in his knee maltrecha. Even, it determined not removing any part of the cartilage in the first operations to avoid reduce his useful life like sportsman. Now, the forward exposes to that the femur and the warm work of bad way for the requirement that comports the professional football.

To avoid that the promising career of Ansu run danger, as it could present big problems of degeneration articulate on a long-term basis, will have to make an arduous work of prevention and control of his knee. An injury that a priori would not have greater complication neither gravity, has comported to a big uncertainty by the future of a player that is allocated to be one of the biggest stars of the continental football in the next years.

His future, at stake

The risk that runs the career of Ansu Fati on a long-term basis concerns vastamente to the Barcelona, that trusts fully in the excelso talent of the young forward that has seen truncated his career because of this injury, that keeps it moved away of the fields. However, it is undoubted that the club will do all the possible for taking care of his physical integrity so that it exert his football to the maximum level.