Sergio Aguero acto


The 'Kun' returns to football! Agüero will play with Barcelona from Guayaquil

Published:9/01/2023 - 22:09h

Updated:9/01/2023 - 22:11h

The Barcelona of Guayaquil confirmed Sergio 'Kun' Agüero as the guest star for its 'Yellow Night', a day in which the Ecuadorian club celebrates a new anniversary with an exhibition match

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Sergio 'Kun' Agüero will return to the football the next 28 January. The ex player of the FC Barcelona confirmed it through his social networks, informing that it will form part of the designated 'yellow Night' in which the Barcelona of Guayaquil will celebrate his anniversary number 98 with a party of exhibition in his stadium, the Monumental Isidro Romero Carbo. "I expect with anxiety the moment and can know like this to inflate them of the Barcelona", said the Argentinian in the channel of Twitch of the ecuadorian club.

This will be the first time in that the ex culé step a field from his retreat to finals of 2021 by cardiac problems. The 'Kun' felt a strong pain in the breast on 30 October in the party in front of the Alavés (1-1), having to abandon the field in the minute 42. After the evaluation cardiológica, the doctors recommended him stop by three months, but around the middle of December confirmed his goodbye definite.

On his state of current health, Agüero ensured to feel very well. "Have a chip that controls the cardiologist. I think so I go to be able to play, because I have begun to train, to play with my friends. In 15 days will play a party with my friends of the Barcelona of Spain)", said the ex 'crack' of the Manchester City, club of the cual is the maximum goleador historical with 260 goals.

The 'Kun' pactó his return with the ecuadorian Barcelona during the Glass of the World. "I had to remain me quiet not to damage this surprise", expressed the 'Kun', the one who besides explained that it suffered an injury in the twins during the celebrations with Argentina after the final of the World-wide. "I exceeded me in the celebration in the field with which went my mates of selection, but expect to be very well to go back to play after a year far of the fields and of the public".

Third consecutive Argentinian in the 'yellow Night'

Agüero Will add to the listing of stars invited to the anniversary of the ecuadorian group. In 2021 the invited was Javier Mascherano, while in 2022 was the turn of Carlos Tévez. Previously, Ronaldinho, Diego Forlán, Kaká, Andrea Pirlo and Alessandro Of Piero had assisted to the memorial party. For 2025, it expects that Leo Messi was the invited of honour to celebrate the anniversary of the Barcelona of Guayaquil.

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