Ousmane Dembélé, injuried


The surgeon who operated on Dembélé warns: "It will cost you more to recover now"

Published:12/02/2020 - 08:37h

Updated:12/02/2020 - 08:37h

Lasse Lempainen, who was responsible for the operation of Ousmane Dembélé, said that, despite being happy with the result of the intervention, the French will find it harder to recover

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Tuesday, Ousmane Dembélé happened in Finland by the operating theatre to be taken part of the proximal sinew of the biceps femoral of the right thigh, in which it suffered a complete break during a recent session of training with the group. The FC Barcelona did official that the time of drop of the mosquito will be this time of six months, by what will lose what subtracts of season.

Lasse Lempainen, a specialist in injuries of the isquiotibiales -of which forms part the biceps femoral that Dembélé has damaged-, went the attendant to carry out the intervention of the Barcelona extreme. In statements for the newspaper El País, showed "very happy" by how had gone the operation although, on the other hand, warned that to the 'mosquito' "will cost him more recover", when being the most damaged sinew now.

The surgeon showed quite hermetical when asking him on a possible new relapse since, remember, Dembélé already was taken part of this sinew does a pair of years. "The relation with the Barcelona is very narrow and there are things of which can not give details. Besides, it does not like me speak of the possible predisposition of a player to recaer. My have to was to operate him and will ensure me that it can go back to play in six months", said.

However, Lempainen did not hide that this type of breaks in the isquiotibiales are very negative for the sportsmen, since have a lot of possibilities go back to recaer of his possible injuries. "When the damage is big, the injury is used to to be recurrent. It can go back to appear because there are a lot of factors that can influence in this case", manifested.

The specialist, besides, launched more details about the reasons that are carrying to Dembélé to recaer of his injuries one and again. "We know that if the player is very fast, if it does a lot of esprints, the isquiotibiales estresan", commented. Precisely, the French has like big virtues his speed and his change of rhythm, something that can happen him bill in the physical plane.

A hard hit for Dembélé and for the Barça

The injury of Dembélé is an important setback for the FC Barcelona, since it was the big signing that expected 'Setién' this month of February. "His implication, by what have seen, is total and absolute. They fall me the tears when seeing the capacity and the intensity with which works", even said the Cantabrian in an interview for Sport. The French also is knocked down by his new complications.