Gerard Hammered in a warming of the Barça


The three reflections of Piqué on the Catalan elections

Published:15/02/2021 - 10:52h

Updated:16/02/2021 - 20:18h

Gerard Piqué, head office of the FC Barcelona, took advantage of the occasion of the comicios electoral and shared his opinion in the social networks on the results

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The day of the debate, Gerard Hammered already had showed that has been attentive of the actuality of the Catalan elections, and at all more to the term of the scrutiny, the central of the FC Barcelona took part in the subject and published his three reflections with regard to the comicios through his social networks. Now, the defence asked which sucederá after having majority of votes independentistas, to the time that affirms that the ones of the "extreme right" already have removed " the caretas", and analyses the paper after the defeat of Alejandro Fernández (PP) and Carlos Carrizosa (Citizen).

The results of the elections in Catalonia gave multiple surprises to all the participants. 'Citizen' ex party of Albert Rivera, has lost the first place after falling at all less than 30 seats and remain with alone six. The far-right strengths of Vox go in with 11 seats, and, the PSC wins in votes and seats when duplicating the quantity that had with regard to 2017.Considering these appearances, Hammered developed three punctual reflections.

The first reflection that made is the one of "Majority of you independentistas. And now, what?". The movement independentista Catalan has triumphed in these elections, in spite of that the abstention arrived to 50%, more than 2,5 million people decided not exerting his right to the vote. Nevertheless, the parties of tendency independentista have gone out like winners.

The second reflection that made the central Catalan has been in reference to the ones of the "The ones of extreme right already have removed the careta and are many more than which thought". The polarisation of the society of Catalonia did that Vox go in with at all less than 11 seats in the Parlament. It will be necessary to study how sees affected this with regard to the development of the politics of the region.

Finally, I Hammered it highlighted to "Alejandro Fernández, a gentleman in the defeat. Carrizosa And Citizens, all the contrary". Meanwhile, the Catalan PP has been one of the parties that worse result has taken out. It remained like last political strength, but his descent with regard to 2017 solo has been of 1 and no of 30 like Citizens. That is to say, it could evaluate a possible promotion of face to coming comicios electoral.

Gerard, always in the focus

It is usual to see comments controversiales of Hammered on any subject. Meanwhile, now the more resaltante in his surroundings is his possible return to the fields from that regrettable injury that had it of drop by months. The defence lesionó the past 21 November during the corresponding party to LaLiga against the Athletic of Madrid after a crash in the frontal with Correa. It was a grave injury in which they saw engaged the ligaments of his right knee. The defender bet by a treatment of conservative recovery and decided not resorting to the operating theatre to treat his problem. Now,p odría go back in front of the PSG, only subtracts to expect.