Bayern coach speaks out about Coutinho's future
Published:16/05/2020 - 09:11h
Updated:16/05/2020 - 09:11h
Philippe Coutinho follows yielded to the Bayern of Munich and his trainer Hans-Dieter Flick, does not have clear what sucederá with the immediate future of the Brazilian
This weekend, goes back the football with the return of the Bundesliga German. The Bayern of Munich, leader of the competition germana, will see them to him with the Union Berlin far of the Allianz Sand in a party in which it will not be able to be present by fault of an unlucky injury Philippe Coutinho, player of the FC Barcelona that is yielded at present to the Bavarian group.
The true is that the Brazilian, that did not have luck in the Barcelona team since it arrived pertinent of the Liverpool, neither is attaining in the Bayern of Munich reencontrarse with his best version. In fact, the Bavarian group has an option of purchase by him by value of 120 million euros that, to day of today, seems impossible that finish doing effective.
Hans-Dieter Flick, trainer of the German group, pronounced about the future of the carioca in some statements collected by the newspaper 'Sport' without having clear what sucederá with him. "I do not know what happened with him after this season", said. "It is a good type and an excellent player. Really it likes me work with him. We expect that it can go back with us prompt and play some party before the end of season", added, about his injury.
The wishes of Flick do not go to be of easy fulfillment, because Coutinho was diagnosed with six weeks of drop. Neither it knows of the true what will happen after the end of the season with the Brazilian footballer. As we have said, neither the complicated financial stage that will remain after the coronavirus neither the performance of the own player will favour that the Bayern execute his option of purchase.
The problem with Coutinho
The big problem that has the Barça with Philippe Coutinho is mainly economic. The culés paid a millonada in his day by the Brazilian -carry paid 135 'kilos' to the Liverpool by him- that still is not amortised and are not had to sell him by less than 80 millions, that is what remains for amortising. The problem is that any team is had to pay such quantity by a player that carries two seasons with a very poor performance.
To all this it is necessary to add that the index card of the carioca is of high rank, something that frightens off even more to the possible buyers. If it does not find buyer, could go back to the Barça, but then the economic problem would multiply : the culés would have to pay him his millionaire wage and, besides, the payments to the Liverpool could increase 25 millions more by variables. A financial chaos of difficult solution.