The career of Ferran Torres has experienced a very necessary impulse in the FC Barcelona. In the season 2022/2023 with the combined Barcelona, in 45 parties, annotated a total of seven goals and gave three assistances, accumulating 1884 minutes of game. In this campaign alternated his role in the offensive plane and exerted a secondary paper in the staff culé. Nevertheless, his situation has given a drastic twist in this period 2023/2024.

The exjugador of the Manchester City, to the start of this campaign, revealed that it was immersed in a renewed plan of physical training and mental strengthening. This has carried to a remarkable increase in his level of game, turning into one of the most stood out players of the Barcelonan square and being a key piece in the Spanish selection.

The 'Shark' goes course to surpass his registers of the past season

The right extreme already has contested 16 parties with the Barça this season and is in way to surpass his registers of the previous period. Up to now, it has converted five annotations, only two less than in the 2022/2023, and has given two passes to goal, one less than in the previous campaign, in spite of having contested 29 duels less. Unless it occur something unexpected, is likely that surpass easily these numbers.

No only this, Ferran, with his annotation in the party of the past Sunday against the selection of Georgia, in which 'The Red' won 3-1 and that was marked by the unlucky injury of Gavi, showed once again his remarkable moment ofform . In addition to marking in the minute 77, also offered an excellent assistance to Robín Him Normand by means of a precise centre. These performances have carried it to lead an important register in the Barça in what it goes of this season.

Ferran, the culé with better average goleador in what it goes of campaign

The 'Shark', further to having arrived to the figure of 18 goals in 40 parties with the absolute selection, turning into one of the maximum scorers of 'The Red' in this announcement, only surpassed by Álvaro Morata, the one who has converted 34 targets in 69 duels, happened to lead a register between the players of the Barça. With his more recent so much, the one of Foios arrived to eight goals in what it goes of season between his club and the selection, in a total of 1069 minutes contested. This positions it like the forward with better average goleador in the Barça in what it goes of campaign 2023/2024.

Ferran Torres annotates a goal each 133', that is to say, practically each minute and half. This register is equalised by Robert Lewandowski, the one who has converted 10 annotations in 1322' combining club and selection, what also gives him an identical average to the of the ex of Valencia. Raphinha Occupies the second place in this podium, with three targets in a total of 659', what means an annotation each 219 minutes and in the third place is Joãor Félix, the one who has marked five goals in 1245', what equivale to a so much each 249 minutes.