Celebración de un gol del Barça en Estados Unidos


Barça is already making preparations for its next tour in the United States

Published:1/08/2023 - 14:55h

Updated:1/08/2023 - 14:55h

Barça has been delighted with the United States after this pre-season tour. In spite of the setbacks that it had at the beginning, the 'tour' culé has executed of successful way. Therefore, in Barcelona they would already be preparing to return to the US in the 2024/2025 season

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona already is working in his planning for the season 2024/2025, and his aim is to go back to make one turns of pre-season by United States. However, from the City Condal recognise that this 'tour' will be very conditioned due to the fact that will carry out in the middle of a loaded calendar. Taking like reference the dates in which it is developing this periplo in this campaign, presages that it turns it could be carrying out after culminating the Eurocopa 2024 in Germany and in the middle of the Olympic games in Paris. These two events, especially the first, probably have the presence of some of the international players of the Barça. This will affect the operating capacity of the club, due to the fact that it will represent a diary 'atiborrada' of meetings for the players culés.

One of the conclusions that have obtained of the 'tour' Barcelona by North America in this 2023, is related with the importance to remain a considerable time in a fixed headquarters, in this case Los Angeles, during nine days, and do only a trip of gone and turn to contest the meeting. Although in this occasion the clash between the cast of the Catalan capital and the Juventus was suspended because of a virosis that affected to the staff culé, fits to stand out that this form to develop the pre-season has allowed to Xavi work and prepare so much the trainings like the parties of way more effective.

Already the Barça converses with 'sponsors' and sponsors

For this reason, it is not surprising that the Barça was planning one turns veraniega shorter and with fewer trips not to overload to the players that also participate in international competitions. The club already is evaluating possible headquarters and has established contacts with sponsors and organisers, although the project still finds in an initial phase. The only safe is that the Barcelonan square wants to go back to United States, a market that consider prioritario of face to the World-wide of 2026 and to the new World-wide of Clubs of 2025, to the cual the FC Barcelona expects to classify this season.

Until the moment, the 'tour' of pre-season culé goes leaving some certainties on the team. In spite of the rugged beginning, after suspending the first meeting and fall defeated in the following in front of the Arsenal 5-3 in the Stadium SoFi, the group culé seems already be beginning to 'carburar', proof of this was the remarkable exhibition in front of the Real Madrid in Dallas. Now, it will be necessary to see if the Barça can close his turns by North America with a positive balance, since his last party of preparation in American territory will be against the AC Milan. From here, it plans travel immediately and arrive to the City Condal the 02/08 to prepare the party of Joan Gamper of the 08/08 against the Tottenham, that will be the last commitment of preparation before the start of the official competitions the 13/08, when the Barça will debut in LaLiga EA Sports in front of the Getafe.