The technician merengue does not think that to the real madrid have escaped him  half league

Benítez ningunea To Kroos by low performance in the Real Madrid

Benítez ningunea To Kroos by low performance in the Real Madrid

Published:14/12/2015 - 09:21h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The trainer of the Real Madrid, Rafa Benítez, decided not planting on the lawn of The Madrigal this past Sunday to Toni Kroos, that no only was not to title but it did not play in all the party in spite of the defeat. "It did not play because it did it Casemiro", limited to explain the technician

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In words pronounced in just press conference after the Real Madrid suffered a bochornosa defeat against the Villarreal in The Madrigal this past Sunday, Rafa Benítez gave explanations on the party to the media and was asked, between other things, by the fact that Toni Kroos did not play neither an only minute in a so complicated stage when the past season was a key piece for Ancelotti in the important parties.

"It has not done it because it has done it Casemiro", limited to answer Benítez on the midfield player germano. On the party, analysed the following: "it Is difficult to explain: they Are things that sometimes occur and has happened us. In the first time have not been well. We have not done what had foreseen. In the second part has been missing us tarpaulin".

It does not think that to the Real Madrid have escaped him half League. "They will lose points. What is important is to face the parties as we have done it in the second part in front of the Villarreal. I am not at all I content with the first time, am happy with the reaction in the second, although we have not had tarpaulin, in spite of having created occasions". Benítez Is hurt by the defeat in front of the Villarreal. "To litigate by the League it is necessary to win a lot of parties, and in one as in the one of today is where have to do us strong, but have not been well in the first time".

Although it recognised the good work of the "yellow submarine". "They have done it well, presionando well and with speed in attack. We have not reacted well". And it subtracted importance to the fact that the Real Madrid add 23 goals less than the past season to these heights. "The team is the one who more throws to door. The explanation has to see with the effectiveness, that have to work".

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