Dani Carvajal partido


Dani Carvajal pulls his ego and calls himself "the best right-back in the world"

Published:28/06/2024 - 13:00h

Updated:28/06/2024 - 13:00h

The last year of Dani Carvajal has been of a lot of proof, something that has cost him to the defence to feel like the best right side of the world, an affirmation that has done the own player of the Real Madrid

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Dani Carvajal Has taken advantage of some free hours in the middle of his concentration with Spain in the Eurocopa to concede some interviews and analyse his present, the one of the Red, and of course, the one of the Real Madrid. The side has conversed with the 'BE' and also with 'ACE', signalling initially that "have done a big year, also to offensive level, with the goal in the final... If I do good performances in the Eurocopa, and if we win it, can be in the list of candidates", in reference to his presence in the final list of the Balloon of Gold.

Likewise, Carvajal also highlighted that "it has been my best season. To level of regularity, of contribution and of level yes, without any doubt", commented. "Valuing this season, I think that am the best right side of the world. I say it to me to me same for my confidence. It has been a good year, winning the Champions and marking in the final and wishing carry to Spain as far as possible in the Eurocopa", sustained the international Spanish.

Carvajal Has 'wetted' on his big physical moment

The canterano madridista also cleared that his secret to be always in optimum physical conditions, signalling that "if I say it, would do it all", kidded, adding that "it is diet, rest, a bit everything... Have to my boys and do of father does that it free me more", stood out. Already of the Spanish selection thinks that the style depends of the trainer and of the players because "it influences the type of player that have, with extremes like Lamine and Nico the football does more direct", analysed.

The two exits of the Madrid and his possible goodbye to the group merengue

Already on the actuality of the Madrid, in which the goodbye of Nacho is the big subject right now, Carvajal has confessed that "the of Nacho gives me a lot of penalty, but goes raising the Champions, being important...", it commented, adding that "I know that it has cost him take the decision, but think that is the best for him", commented. Already on the something surprising exit of Joselu, one of his big friends in the football, commented that "it went to have fewer opportunities and the offer that arrives him is irrechazable", sustained Carvajal.

On his future has commented that "the day that touch me go out will value if me apetece follow competing", ensured. "In the moment that go out of the Madrid, or finish here, or would not go me to another European club", explained the side, by what could follow a similar way to the of Nacho and Joselu, those who have left to the football of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, respectively.

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