Endrick Felipe Moreira received in his house in Sao Paulo to the newspaper 'Mark', in an interview in which the new feeling of the Brazilian football took advantage of to leave a new wink to the Real Madrid. "Have a very big affection by the Real by Cristiano Ronaldo, although I also have looked for things of his history and is a very good team", affirmed the youngster of 15 years, the one who is fanatical of the Portuguese.

Juni Calafat, observer 'merengue', put to the Brazilian in the orbit of the club, that already has boarded contacts with Federico Pena, agent of Endrick and of Vinicius Jr. On 'Vini', the new jewel' of the Palmeiras ensured that "it supports him a lot, also to the Madrid so that it win another Champions". The '20' sent him his T-shirt, a gift that the youngster expects to reward próximamente. "Have to command him an of the Palmeiras signed", commented.

Regarding the FC Barcelona, the one of Brasilia ensured that "it is a team very well also, spectacular, with incredible players, some that already happened, as Messi, Xavi and Iniesta". The leading youngster appreciates that both teams interest by him and thinks that "it has to give much more, since it remains him a lot of way by in front".

Palmeiras Finish to win the 'Copinha', tournament sub 20 of big prestige in Brazil, with Endrick like figure. It is the first time that the club wins this title, one of the few that were missing him in his vitrinas. In the final, the youngsters of the ´verdao' golearon 4-0 to Sao Paulo with a so much of his new star, the one who added six so many in the tournament and was chosen like better player.

"Never unemployment, always want to more"

When being consulted on his characteristics, the forward of 15 years defined like "a player with character, that always tries to do the most difficult". For the youngster, the most important is to play in team, but always likes him define parties. "If I do a goal, want two; if I do two, want three. To the people that do not know me would say them that I am very persistent", puntualizó the future 'star' Brazilian.