Hard words against the one of the Madrid
Evra Accuses to Zinedine Zidane of "enchufar" to an ex of France
Published:1/05/2017 - 11:36h
Updated:1/05/2017 - 17:18h
The left side Patrice Evra shot with bullet against the trainer of the Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane, to the hour to refer to an exinternacional with France and exfutbolista of the Barça Christophe Dugarry. In an earthy language, accused it of "enchufado"
Another thing no, but to Patrice Evra no can him accuse to be a man that have pelos in the tongue. The international French aimed with bullet and shot against the exfutbolista and now television collaborator Christophe Dugarry. This exfutbolista of the FC Barcelona that so bitterly complained of his go through Can Barça.
In this case, the now lateral of the Olympique of Marseilles did reference to the trainer of the Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane, for of an earthy way accuse him to have enchufado to Dugarry in his sportive career. It said it in an interview for "SFR" in which it was William Gallas.
"My brother warned me that it had to have care with 'Duarig'. It works with you (Dugarry collaborates with the same chain that Gallas), know of who am speaking, but do not say his true name", began saying Evra.
Dugarry, benefited in his career of his become friends with Zidane
"If Duarig has a problem with me, that avenges to Marseilles. We will speak of this, will argue it, there is not problem. I respect it, it is champion of the world and of Europe, but think that he is the only in the world that knows the number of pelos that has the penis of Zidane", soltó the carrilero left-handed. Some direct words and that do reference to that the exjugador would have benefited in his career of his become friends with "Zizou".