It does already some months of the last dispute of FC Barcelona and Real Madrid by a footballer, and although it could repeat prompt, this does not seem to go very directed for the protagonist. Dani Ceballos Could choose his destination and left to Santiago Bernabéu, where has not attained to do a gap and where already especula with an exit. It could do the way of turn to the Betis.

The rumours have taken strength during the last weeks, in which it has especulado with that the midfield player could go out yielded. Ángel Haro, the president verdiblanco, has dodged the issue with regard to the possibility to recover to the utrerano, although neither much less has descartado the possibility. 

"Yes, I have listened rumours and informations. We now are working in the planning and few data can give more. Have limitations of budget and are giving him imagination to reinforce the most important places. If it comes somebody want to that it contribute for real, no a patch", has explained in front of the microphones of 'Channel South Irradiate'.

But it has not wanted to close any door with Ceballos. "It is necessary to look it well. In the football these things are difficult to value if it can happen or can not happen. In the football can happen everything. Obviously, it depends on a lot of things, is not something simple. Have some budgetary limitation", has insisted.

Question of minutes

Although it arrived like one of the big bets to rejuvenate the centre of the field of the Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane hardly has trusted his qualities, and in spite of accumulating presences in quite a lot of parties, his participation, except in Glass, has been residual. Like the investment in his arrival -16,5 million euros- did not suppose a big outlay, there is some tranquility in the white house, although it concerns more than a footballer that arrived with the poster of promise have not begun to settle .