Florentino Pérez shows his face: The Superleague, Mbappé, Ramos, Zidane...
Published:25/06/2021 - 09:55h
Updated:25/06/2021 - 09:55h
Florentino Pérez spoke in an in-depth interview about the current situation of Real Madrid and the world of football. The white president referred, among other things, to the Super League, the possible signing of Mbappé or the departure of Sergio Ramos and Zidane
Florentino Pérez went through the microphones of the 'Transistor', of 'Wave Zero', and spoke on the actuality of the Real Madrid and of the football. The white president went back to load against Aleksander Ceferin and the UEFA. "I have not gone back to speak with him. They want to keep his privileges and the fans do not want to. It can not be that all lose money and Ceferin go up the wage. There are people that has privileges and wants to keep them while the football dies ", commented.
As a result of the Superliga European, the mandator merengue insisted in that the UEFA can not do at all for 'load' the project. "We do 12 teams and an agreement vinculante between all, and can not go anybody. The Superliga follows. When we take it out, the UEFA loomed us and the English clubs fell. We go to the judge, that did his car. And it said that it could not touch the Superliga. The UEFA can not do at all on the people or the clubs. From here, it changes. Already it has stopped . Now, the court of Luxembourg will have to decide. We have asked that they withdraw those coerce that they have done to the English", aimed.
Besides, on this new tournament, left clear that only will be able to play it the teams with interest, descartando that can participate lower clubs. "We said that they had to be those that have more fans. Who think that you buy the rights of television? How many followers has the Liverpool or the Juventus? We do not go to like to all. It is necessary to organise it everything. What himself can say him is that it is not closed and that the leagues follow the same. It is a league that the only aim that has is that they buy it", affirmed.
On the other hand, it referred to the possible signing of Kylian Mbappé by the Madrid, although it did not want to 'wet' too. "I know what want the partners. They want that they are the best. It Teams have to renew and are in this stage of renewal. I do not want to speak of players that are not in the Madrid because it is a lack of respect. The people trusts me. They will come those that they and I think that they are the best. Mbappé Is of the best, but is not in the Madrid", indicated.
Florentino Pérez spoke of the exits of Zidane and Bouquets
Also it recognised that the course of Zinedine Zidane no him pilló of new. "His exit did not surprise me. It was one of the possibilities. I know him. This year it has been hard and one tires to be trainer. I struggled so that it will remain . I was all the afternoon with him to convince him. Zidane is very simple, when it says that it wants to go already has gone ", commented, for afterwards admit that it has not gone back to speak with him from his course.
"I have not gone back to speak with him. I do not know neither if it is in Madrid. I follow him having the same affection of always", stood out, for to continuation open him the door of the Madrid of face to the future and desvelar the one who could be his following destination. "I follow him having the same affection of always. If by my went, that went back to be trainer of the Real Madrid. But good. He has the illusion to be seleccionador of France, for example", declared.
Finally, it finish explaining the exit of Sergio Bouquets without going in in controversies with the camero. "Have adoration by Sergio and do not go to speak of the subject. It has been a legend of the Real Madrid. All what had to say of this subject already have said it. I do not go to give my version. We offered him an agreement, said him that had a term, and he did not admit it. He thought another thing. It will go him very very safe. It will go back, this is his house. I want to him as if it was my son and wish him the best. I do not go to speak here of who has the reason and who no. There are not nuances", concluded.