Florentino Pérez harshly attacks LaLiga and Tebas accuses him of being a liar
Published:11/11/2023 - 18:21h
Updated:11/11/2023 - 18:21h
Florentino Pérez has once again generated controversy, since in his most recent speech he has resumed his crusade against LaLiga and Javier Tebas, launching very serious accusations. As expected, these accusations have been responded to by the president of the Employers' Association
Florentino Pérez in the Assembly of Partners of the Real Madrid 2023 has given a speech that definitively has worsened his relations so much with the FC Barcelona as with LaLiga, especially with this last organism, with the one who has not had any type of objection to express about his president, Javier Thebes, and asestarle more than an attack by some questions associated to his management and that the white mandator has designated like "reiterated performances against the interests of the Real Madrid".
Florentino, 'in no uncertain terms' in front of LaLiga
The maximum representative of the combined white, without half inks, has dared to doubt of the transparency of LaLiga, questioning the form in which the referred organism treats to the combined merengue, emphasizing: "To somebody seems him normal that do not form part of the Commission Delegated of LaLiga? What do not leave us see what pays to each club by other concepts? We have demanded it and it denies us . LaLiga Would not have to hide what pays to each club".
Likewise, Florentino has done a public complaint in which it sustains that LaLiga has committed against the Real Madrid performances quite grave that look for to attack against the personal heritage of the club, signalling: "First, expropiarnos 11% of our audiovisual rights in 50 years and afterwards, change the Law of the Sport for inhabilitar to presidents... And it does not do lacking to have a lot of imagination to know to who wanted to put. The National High Court already has declared illegal these sanctions".
The hard criticism of Florentino Pérez to the CVC and to Thebes
Speaking of audiovisual rights, Pérez also has spoken about the agreement of the CVC with LaLiga, criticising also to Javier Thebes: "The CVC, with which looked for to remove us during half century 11% of our audiovisual rights... Without that us enteráramos. We darse by the press and because people honoured informed us. This operation was a big business for his agent and a misfortune for the football. Real Madrid, Barcelona and Athletic deny us, signal that this was illegal". Equally, it added that: "The President of LaLiga abused of his authority and separated us, showing that no all the clubs receive the same deal.
In this sense, Florentino also referred the following: "The audiovisual rights belong to the clubs and yield to LaLiga. Since they are missing 2 minutes for the party, until 2 minutes afterwards. Because it understands that the clubs can explode previous, pospartidos... All what is not explicitly the meeting. It says it the law. But LaLiga insists in expropiarnos this right that have we".
Speaking of expropiar, the president of the club merengue also asestó a public complaint referred to that LaLiga went to be leading of an expropriation to the heritage of the Real Madrid, sustaining: "LaLiga contacted with a lobby for expropiar the heritage of the Madrid and give it to LaLiga". Taking advantage of to add that the wage of Javier Thebes finish to go up again.
The defence of Javier Thebes in front of the attacks of Florentino
Closed the estelada of attacks of Florentino to Javier Thebes, has corresponded him the turn to this last to defend and has done it with a degree of notorious severity by his social networks, aiming that the maximum representative of the White House adds "very grave lies on LaLiga". The mandator of the body rector of the championship of Spanish football, did upsetting in that Pérez "mention on the rise of the wage of the president and on the transparency of LaLiga, and mention on the expropriation of the rights of TV". To these statements, has added that, the monarch of the white club the only that reflects is his "messianism" increasingly desenfrenado, where want to that all turn around him.
Finally, Javier Thebes has explained why varied of the indictments of Florentino in his against are fruit of the "lie and the desinformación", limiting: "How it can go up me the wage LaLiga if I finish mandate to final of the next December? How they can go up me the wage LaLiga if the same has to negotiate and be approved by the General Assembly composed by all the clubs in secret vote in case to be reelected? By the way, the system that has been used since I am president, the wage establishes it the General Assembly and in secret vote". Now it will be necessary to value which will be the answer of Florentino.