Florentino Pérez evento


Florentino Pérez's 'summit' with President Macron by Kylian Mbappé

Published:21/05/2024 - 17:57h

Updated:21/05/2024 - 17:57h

Kylian Mbappé is now almost a name for Real Madrid, and that is why the president of France wanted to take advantage of Florentino Pérez's presence in Paris to hold a 'summit' on the striker

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Florentino Pérez has displaced to Paris to sustain a meeting with the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, centred in the participation of Kylian Mbappé in the Olympic games of the next summer. The president of the Real Madrid and the political Frenchman have seated this Tuesday to negotiate the options that there is that the footballer can be in the JJOO of his city, especially for being the image mediática of the appointment.

Like this, the director madridista abandoned the palace of the Elíseo, headquarters of the French Presidency, after having participated in a breakfast with Macron, motivated also by the 120 years of the FIFA, that was born in the main gala. During something more than three hours, Florentino remained in the palace of Paris, beside leaders of the others countries that on 21 May 1904 created the FIFA.

Florentino could have defined a bit the future of Mbappé

'L'Équipe' had ensured in the previous that Macron had foreseen to keep a face to face with the president of the Madrid to treat the possible presence of the players of this club in the Games of Paris. And it is that although it still does not have oficializado cual will be his future club, after having ensured that will abandon the PSG at the end of this season, everything aims to that only they subtract few days so that it was announced with the merengues.

The forward has showed his intention to contest the Games in his hometown and Macron affirmed does some days that would treat to convince to the Madrid so that it allowed it to him, in addition to to other international French that are a member of the white club, as Eduardo Camavinga or Aurelien Tchouaméni. Although to the exit of the Elíseo, the maximum mandator of the Madrid did not want to do any comment on the meeting neither confirmed if Macron treated with him the subject of Mbappé and the Games.

Together with the Madrid, that represented to Spain in the foundational meeting of the FIFA 120 years ago, participated in the meeting representatives of the others countries that put the first stone of this institution. It is the case of France, Belgium, Denmark, Low Countries, Sweden and Switzerland, that signed the foundational record of the organisation that in the actuality engloba to all the world.

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