As it comes being already a tendency between the big clubs of the world, the Real Madrid will credit more than one million gross euros to each one of his players of the first team by concept of aims attained. In this case it treats of 1,2 million euros in premiums, after attaining the doublet with the triumphs in LaLiga and the Champions League, the two main titles at stake this season for the group merengue.

Both titles added to the triumph in the Supercopa that already aimed the group madridista January. Of this form, the entity that chairs Florentino Pérez recompensará with more than half million of net euros to each player of the first staff, rondando like this the 28 million euros of outlay by part of the Madrid, although it seems a quantity that will not affect too much to the white arks.

The Madrid has finished with more than 200 million income

And it is that the victory of the Madrid in the League will report to the accounts of the club a near quantity to the 53 million euros, roughly, being delivered for the Madrid during the four next seasons by part of the patronal. Besides, for attaining the Champions the past 1 June in Wembley expects in Santiago Bernabéu the entry of a near quantity to the 180 million euros, as it has aimed 'OK Daily'.

Those more than 230 'kilos', added to the almost 10 millions that awards the Supercopa of Spain to his champion, makes possible that the Madrid can give a millionaire prize to each one of his footballers, which surely will be paid in this end of season, to try ingresarlo in the costs of the current fiscal year. With the signing of Kylian Mbappé, and the arrival of some another footballer more this summer, the merengues will need to square very well his accounts to follow with a 'fair play' financial positive, as the one who lucen to the day of today.