Hazard Perceives 13 million euros by season


Hazard: The Pharaonic agreement that ruined to the Real Madrid

Published:4/02/2021 - 15:14h

Updated:4/02/2021 - 16:54h

The injuries of Hazard have kept it moved away of the field during 44 parties and 4.942 minutes. The Belgian arrived in the season 2019-20, for then Zidane expected to have a stellar figure in attack in front of the absence of Cristiano

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The leak on the details of the agreement of Lionel Messi with the FC Barcelona continue generating stir waiting for the actions that the player and the club could take against the newspaper The World and the possible managers to supply the information to the press, that neither notified to the Argentinian on his publication.

It is very known that the Barça faces a hard economic crisis product of several decisions taken by part of the managerial board. However, the agreement of his main figure, whose agreement developed under a strict confidentiality, would not be the only factor determinant in the aprietos financial of the institution, without mentioning the income that a figure like Messi contributes to the team.

In this wave to publish details on high agreements and the economic repercussions that suppose for the clubs, would be important to stand out others, like the bond that keeps Eden Hazard with the Real Madrid that, although it went out a bit better stopped of the crisis regarding other clubs, did not obtain what expected with the signing of the Belgian, so much in income as in sportive performance.

Hazard Perceives around 13 million euros by season and will keep his bond with the merengues until 2024. However, the constant injuries have kept it far of the activity and of the level that showed with Chelsea, that carried to Zinedine Zidane to interest in him after the course of Cristiano Ronaldo to the Juventus.

From his arrival to Madrid, the Belgian has seen section of the field in 44 occasions of the 79 official parties contested by the whites, and has been in the field during 2.168 of the 7.110 minutes that the team has been on the lawn. Some 10 injuries, more than which suffered during his go through Stamford Bridge, have kept it inactivo along 288 days.

The signing of Hazard would have closed in 160 million euros

In September of the past year, the newspaper HLN Sport of Belgium gave to know that the agreement between the Madrid and Chelsea was 60 upper millions to the figure published of official form. The mount would be credited in three parts: the first of 49 millions and the others of 56 and 64 millions to pay between 2019 and 2022. Added to the wage of the player during the five seasons that would play, would give a total of 225 million euros.

In consequence, the Belgian would have had a greater cost that Gareth Bleat and Cristiano Ronaldo, whose traspasos priced in 101 and 94 million euros, respectively. Besides, his incorporations yes reported positive results in one of the best cycles in the recent history of the Real Madrid.