Bellingham venda hombro


Alarm in Real Madrid! Bellingham could have to undergo surgery after the Euro Cup

Published:5/06/2024 - 17:36h

Updated:5/06/2024 - 17:38h

Concern is growing at Real Madrid with the presence of Jude Bellingham at the start of next season. The midfielder continues to suffer discomfort in his left shoulder and would consider undergoing surgery at the end of his participation in the Euros.

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Jude Bellingham finish to finish a season dreamed. In his first year like footballer of the Real Madrid, the midfield player consolidated like one of the big figures of the team directed by Carlo Ancelotti, annotating 23 goals and delivering 13 assistances, in addition to topping champion of the League and the Champions League. His glorious performance carried him to be chosen like the best player of the campaign by the fans merengues, those who see him, beside Vini Jr., as one of the maximum candidates to carry the Balloon of Gold.

However, the 'momemtum' of Jude could see braked of way forzosa. The British has come playing with annoyances during the final stretch of the season, this because of a luxation in the shoulder suffered the past November when lesionó in front of the Ray Vallecano. These annoyances have gone increasing along the last months, in where it has played with a lot of pain, and have him mermado his performance.

Although the player has held this stretch, conscious of his importance in the final of the Champions and conscious of his importance with England in the Eurocopa, the ailments seem not diminishing and is looking for a solution. According to the chain 'BE', if the conservative treatment does not give result, the player, the Real Madrid and his surroundings understand that there will be more remedy that go through the operating theatre.

So much Bellingham like the club treated to avoid arrive to these instances, with the English playing with a protection in the shoulder damaged, the left, from his injury. The footballer and the medical services of the Real Madrid descartaron the operation, but the true is that if Jude follows with problems in the Eurocopa, this would suppose that the ex of the Dortmund has a lot of numbers to have to be taken part.

It would lose the start of the season

In case to be operated after his go through the continental tournament, the one of Stourbridge would lose the pre-season of the merengues, the Supercopa of Europe in front of the Atalanta and the first days of the League because the approximate time of drop is of three months. It will depend on his evolution in the weeks to come, but if his ailments do not finish of mermar, the footballer will see forced to go through the operating theatre.

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