Carlo Ancelotti, entrenador del Real Madrid


A journalist relights the 'fuse' for Ancelotti's words about the Club World Cup

Published:11/06/2024 - 13:26h

Updated:11/06/2024 - 15:34h

Tony Damascelli, the journalist that interviewed to Ancelotti, ensured that the words of the trainer were not taken out of context and insinuated that his message of retractation was dictated by the club to avoid an international scandal

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The Real Madrid finds in the middle of a storm mediática after the statements of Carlo Ancelotti in an interview with 'Il Giornale'. In said interview, the Italian trainer affirmed that the club merengue after winning his ticket, would not participate in the World-wide of Clubs of the FIFA in 2025, and besides expressed some reasons by which would take this decision.

"An alone party of the Madrid costs 20 millions and want to give us this money by all the tournament. The Madrid, like other clubs, will refuse the invitation", said Ancelotti. These words carried to the club to issue hours later an official communiqué confirming his participation in the event. The one of Reggiolo tried to clear in Twitter that his statements "have not been interpreted of the way that I pretended".

The journalist that ensures that the words of Ancelotti were not taken out of context

Tony Damascelli, the journalist of 'Il Giornale' that made the interview, reaffirmed in an article that the words of 'Carletto' were collected faithfully. "The FIFA fulfilled his usual mission of silenciar, the Real Madrid preferred not going to the war and Ancelotti had to accept the incomprensión", wrote Damascelli, insinuating that the message in Twitter was dictated by the club to avoid an international scandal.

Damascelli Also took part in the 'Cope' to confirm his version. "The interview did it to him the Saturday and confirm word for word the published. Ancelotti Says me: 'we do not go to the World-wide of Clubs because it is a total foolishness to economic level, sportive and health of the players'", ensured the journalist. Besides, it signalled that so much the Real Madrid like the Manchester City are against of the format of the tournament.

The article of Damascelli concludes that the absence of the Real Madrid in the World-wide of Clubs would be like "celebrating a wedding without the spouses", underlining that the fault of the team more laureado of the world would deprive to the event of sportive and commercial interest, something that would prejudice a lot to the FIFA.

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