The French forward abandoned the terrain of game in the party in front of the Athletic ahead of time and went visibly angered with his trainer. In mixed zone the pichichi of the League BBVA rajó against Benítez and accused him of defensive to the hour to make his change

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It seems that in the Real Madrid begins to bake a crisis that aims directly to Rafael Benítez. After so much press like fans accused him of ultradefensivo after the party in front of the Athletic of corresponding Madrid to the seventh day of the League BBVA 2015-2016, now are his own players those that doubt of his methods and do not accept a game so paupérrimo like the showed the Sunday in the Manzanares.

The one who was more honest after the party in front of the colchoneros was Karim Benzema. The Frenchman, still hot after his change in the second half of the party, said that this produced due to the fact that the trainer wanted to defend better. It seems that it did not accept the change, but neither wanted to go further since it knows that it is playing the be headline in the following meetings.

?(On the change) Ask it to him to the trainer. I go to work so that it do not change me more. Today it did it by the result, for more defence??, it said a Benzema that already has lost 128 minutes in 8 meetings due to the fact that it always is the first sacrificed to the hour of the changes. In the Calderón left the visibly angered terrain with Benítez that approached to him and treated to say him something to the hearing.

But seem to be that his words did not content to the crack French that at present is the maximum goleador of the League BBVA 2015-2016 with 6 so many. Something that can not say of a Christian Ronaldo that in front of the Athletic did another abysmal party but to the that Benítez does not dare to change. The Portuguese, that carries five goals in League, achieved them all in a same party, by what has left to mark in six meetings of the seven contested.

To Rafa Benítez come him hard times and will have to know like handling a so difficult changing room like the madridista. It can not be that your maximum goleador was changed always, and the one who does not mark neither to the rainbow remain in the field almost by decree.