The Real Madrid has put an end to the exercise 2022-2023 with the presentation of his annual accounts that has approved the Managerial Board, chaired by Florentino Pérez. Once again, they have closed the year with positive results and surpassing the barrier of income of exploitation of the season 2018-19, before the pandemia, that was of €757m. In this opportunity, reached the figure of the 843 million euros and culminated the ejercico with a profit of 12 'kilos'.
They confirmed the increase of 17% regarding the previous exercise: "The Income of Exploitation (before alienation of inmovilizado) of the exercise 2022/23 have reached the figure of 843 million euros, what represents an increase of 121 million euros (17%) with regard to the exercise 2021/22", in addition to that have elevated his income in all the lines of business to exception of the gains by competitions, taking in account that in the last edition of the Champions League fell deleted in the semifinals against the Manchester City and that the previous year had carried the trophy.
Likewise, they have aimed that 54% of the ingresado has been allocated to the costs by the mass salarial, a percentage that is underneath to the maximum that recomienta the European Association of Clubs (ECA) and that approaches to 50%, the ideal for the teams. It supposes a mejoría regarding previous exercises: "In the exercise 2021/22 the value of the ratio situated in 72%, that adjusted by the effect of the Covid-19 in loss of income, would be a value of 64%, that, to his time without considering the impact of the sportive titles and other no recurrent costs, had been a value of 59%. In the exercises 2019/20 and 2020/21 the values of the ratio were 57% and 62% respectively, being also both exercises affected by the effects of the Covid-19".
The accounts of the Real Madrid, to the discovered
In the extensive communiqué of the White House has confirmed that, once finished the restrictions by the coronavirus, have increased the income by marketing and exploitation of Santiago Bernabéu. Of the same way, highlight that in tesorería there is a balance of 128 million euros, but that continues existing a debt of -€47m (without explaining the costs of the stadium, that are separate) and that the net heritage of the club is of €558,3m.
Of the same way, have affirmed that "the comparison with the tesorería to 30 June 2022 is determined by the impact in the tesorería of the exercise 2021/22 of the plusvalía by the agreement with Sixth Street/Legends registered in said exercise" and that "in addition to the balance of tesorería of 128 million euros, the Club has to 30 June 2023 policies of credit without having by amount of 265 million euros. These financial availabilities allow to face with holgura the commitments of planned payment".
Regarding the net debt, of 47 million euros, explained that "this amount represents, in reality, no a debt but a position of net liquidity, when being greater the sum of the tesorería and of the debtors by traspasos that the balances creditors by investments, banking debt and anticipos.
The variation of the position of net liquidity with regard to the previous exercise is reflection of the variation of tesorería before commented".
The price of Santiago Bernabéu rises
On the other hand, the White House has confirmed that continues the project of remodeling of Santiago Bernabéu and estimates that it will be completed to finals of this year, following the planned plan and making compatible with the commitments of the team. "The amount of the investment contabilizada in the exercise 2022/23 has been of 355 million euros, including the financial costs capitalised during the period of construction. In this way, the investment accumulated until 30 June 2023 rises to 893 million euros".
Of the same way, aimed that "regarding the loan, finish to have the whole of the 800 million euros during the previous exercise. The first amortización of the loan goes to make during the exercise 2023/24, on 30 July 2023, supposing a quota to pay of 34 million euros" and that "a key fact that will determine the economic evolution of the next exercise 2023/24 is the forecast that the works of the work of remodeling of the stadium finalise, in the essential, to finals of 2023, by what to countable effects foresees that the investment begin to be operative from 1 January 2024, with the effect that from said date begin to amortise the investment and to leave to capitalise the financial costs of the loan of the stadium".