Sergio Ramos and Leo Messi, confronting in a Clásico


Sergio Ramos, about Messi: "I don't know if he is doing it in the best way"

Published:2/09/2020 - 23:12h

Updated:2/09/2020 - 23:12h

Sergio Ramos has been asked after the situation of Leo Messi in the FC Barcelona, and the one of Camas has surprised when ensuring that expects that 'The Flea' continues dressing the Barcelona T-shirt

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The captain of the Real Madrid and of the Spanish Selection, Sergio Bouquets, appeared in press conference in the last hours and was asked on diverse questions of actuality in the world of the football, like the possibility that Leo Messi abandon the FC Barcelona in the next days, after 20 years in the club and of some forms that are not liking to big part of the barcelonismo.

The one of Beds has not hid and has given his opinion in this regard, leaving clear that Messi is so big that has won the respect of all to be able to decide his future, although it does not know if the way in that it is going out of the Barça is the correct. "It is not a subject that to us us incumba. It has won the right to decide his future, do not know if will be doing it of the best way", has signalled Bouquets.

"It has won the right to decide his future, do not know if will be doing it of the best way"

The central Andalusian, this yes, does not want that 'The Flea' do the cases and expects to follow suffering him in the Classical. "Of course that for the Spanish football, for the Barcelona and for us, that likes us win being the best, would like us that it remained here", has ensured.

"It does better the League, to his team and more beautiful the Classical. Little more than adding, has won this right he only, without speculations and already will see what happens. For us it is not a worrisome news", has added the footballer of the Real Madrid, to the one who would like him that Messi fulfilled at least the year that remains him of agreement in the Barça, although it knows that this no him incumbe.

Maximum respect of Sergio Bouquets to Messi

Some sincere and full statements of professionalism to a Messi that it has done him the impossible life in the Classical, but that has won the respect of Sergio Bouquets and of all the madridismo to base of performances memorables and dose of football inigualable.

If the Argentinian star does the cases, the parties between the two colossuses of LaLiga will be something more decaffeinated until they appear new 'super-cracks' in FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. The stage of the Messi-Christian came to an end with the course of the Portuguese two years ago, and now the rosarino can put an end, of definite form, to the most glorious era in the history of the Classical.