Sergio Bouquets jumps above Havertz


Sergio Ramos could join … to the City of Guardiola?

Published:1/06/2021 - 04:10h

Updated:1/06/2021 - 07:36h

Due to the fact that the conversations between Florentino and Sergio Bouquets do not seem to arrive to a clear-cut point, the Manchester City could be him doing another offer to the footballer merengue

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Sergio Bouquets could be beside the Manchester City of Pep Guardiola. Like this they are it ensuring in ESPN. The referred half sportive, explains that the directive of the "citizens", by insistence of the Catalan trainer, could fichar to the still captain of the Real Madrid through an offer that would consist of two years of agreement more the option to play in the NewYork City . A team that the group of Manchester has like property in the MLS American.

All this, explains the correspondent of the channel of sports, Rodrigo Fáez, would be subject in the first place to the provision of a player that is 35 years old and that finish to finish a season with the combined merengue full of injuries. Also, the Manchester City would adapt to the priorities of the player as long as these go in inside what the club was in conditions to cover.

Of this way, increase the probabilities that Sergio Bouquets put end to his long stage in the Real Madrid with which has not arrived to understand after a lot of months of negotiations fallidas. At the same time, it would join to the one who went one of his big rivals during the rawest period of the Classical between the Barcelona and the Real Madrid: Pep Guardiola.

His current moment

For the moment, the Spanish defender does not find in a good moment in the futbolístico, the seleccionador of Spain, Luis Enrique, did not summon it to contest the corresponding parties to the Eurocopa and to the eliminatory of the world-wide of Qatar by his injuries, something that as it says, did not come him very well.

The negotiations

The reason by which the negotiations do not arrive to a clear-cut point is that Bouquets wants to two years of agreement. It considers that it deserves this possibility without that it have to give him options of any type. The central Spanish considers that his path is worthy of an agreement like this. The problem of the money and the discount salarial, could not remain in a second flat and like this arrived it to spread Newspaper MARKS to starts of this month.

The directive of the club madridista keeps the proposal, in spite of that in his moment said him that would have date of caducity. For the moment, still it has the hope that Bouquets access and by this the term that gave him expanded him also by what represents Sergio Bouquets for them.