Solari Went out with all to the Ciutat of València for try to impose to the Raise from the beginning. But his plan was not as it would have liked him and the Real Madrid suffered a lot in front of the team levantinista. Only it could mark of penalti in two played punctual. The one who converted Benzema in the first-half seemed clear by hand of Bardhi, but the one who marked Bleat was a piscinazo of book of Casemiro, that neither the referee neither the VAR saw.

The played in question is bringing a lot of tail and Solari also has given his point of view on the same. The Argentinian thinks that is penalti. "I create me what says Casemiro. It says that it hits him clearly in the ankle. And they say me that in the images sees clearly that the swearwords hit in his boot. For these played is the VAR", affirmed.

The trainer of the Real Madrid also spoke of the party of the Raise, to the that elogió, and that his team could mark more goals. "It does several years that no won him to the Raise. It is a very fast and fearsome team to the contras. We have handled it very well. The party has been very serious. We could mark more goals. Vinicius Had several", commented in press conference.

Vinicius, of the that had spoken previously Solari, went the best of the meeting and his technician did not doubt in praising his qualities. "Only it is missing him time. And this is competition, is maturity, this goes taking with the parties and with the experience. We can not forget that it is 18 years old and that in spite of this plays with a big atrevimiento. Has long to fine-tune many of his virtues", aimed referring to his low effectiveness in his launchings to door.

Solari Also spoke of the Classical and of Messi

This week the Real Madrid faces two Classical to life or death against the FC Barcelona. The white trainer thinks that his team arrives in shape and with many win that they arrive both crashes. "We are well. We face with all the optimism this so beautiful week", said the Argentinian.

Besides, also it spoke of Messi, of the that does not concern especially. "The state of form of Messi no us incumbe. We concern us by the ours", aimed. Finally, it added that the only way that has the Madrid to triumph this campaign in league is thinking split to party. The following in LaLiga is the one of Barcelona and it will be necessary to see if this mentality works him.