Zinedine Zidane in a press conference of the Real Madrid


The decision of Zinedine Zidane that it can help to the Barça

Published:12/02/2018 - 16:57h

Updated:13/02/2018 - 01:11h

After several years complicated, Florentino wanted to give a hit of effect planting to Zidane in the bench of the Real Madrid, and has gone him well until this year they have begun to twist the things. The French, in spite of everything, does not think to leave

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Of the hand of Zinedine Zidane, the Real Madrid has lived one of his best periods in the last years, recovering the senda of the titles and chaining European victories. In spite of everything, the cycle of the French could be very short, if it does not surpass the cut of Florentino Pérez and finish out of the team after a season complicated. By his will, of course, will not be.

And it is that the preparador marsellés has answered to some questions of actuality in the emisora French 'RTL', and in one of the questions has revealed his intentions of future. "I am very to taste in Madrid and will do all the possible to be able to continue, is truth that are not doing the best season but the responsible maximum am I. This season is different to the previous and it is necessary to assume it. For the moment only I look to the present and do not think in if I play me the place in this eliminatory, only fix me in the current moment", has explained, doing reference to his crossing with the PSG.

Far to receive with worry his speech, the fans of the Barça have gladdened of the news, because it could contribute to the climate of descontrol that reigns in the last months in Santiago Bernabéu. In spite of being valued like a big agent, the Frenchman has left to see his lacks in what the 'flower' has abandoned him, and if it does not work his brutal hit, his team has few tactical solutions.

Besides, the decisions in the market neither accompany him, because after a summer in which it left to escape to several important pieces of the staff, has blocked the possible wintry reinforcements. The serial with Kepa Arrizabalaga is very present, and besides neither understand his decisions with Isco. The next month of June could go back to revolve the subject, and Zidane already has left clear that, if it is by him, does not go to move. It can be the best of the guarantees.

Cristiano, another tarpaulin?

On the same line that Zidane finds Cristiano Ronaldo, that would have won to Florentino the pulse by his renewal. When seeing that they closed him the doors by Neymar, the president madridista would have preferred to remain with an active very powerful to level of márketing, folding to his wishes of a rise of wage. With the trophies that has won, the Portuguese sees with rope for while, but his presence and the one of his trainer could be a dangerous ballast for the whites. It is for seeing.

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