Cristiano Ronaldo, with his flag of Portugal the other way around

It does not want to be still in the Madrid

The exit of Cristiano Ronaldo, sportive or judicial reasons?

Published:16/06/2017 - 16:45h

Updated:16/06/2017 - 16:45h

The decision of Cristiano Ronaldo to abandon the Real Madrid this summer to pillado to more than one to stumble. The judicial news in his against, joined to millionaire offers can give with his bones far of the Bernabéu but, why motivate really?

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The newspaper "To Ball" was the one who launched the scoop this Friday in his version impresa, to which quickly attended to confirm important cabeceras like "Mark" or the Record "newspaper": Cristiano Ronaldo wants to abandon the Real Madrid this summer. The decision, that as they inform from Portugal is already inamobible, leaves a lot of doubts in the head of the fans.

Why wants to go really Christian of Spain? Deportivamente, in the "cavern" always have treated him well and have created him a carpet of red velvet that has served him for, after some good two months, collect prizes that others work during all the year to achieve them.

In the Real Madrid seems to feel well, although there are diverse sources that aim to that it is not very agusto with Florentino Pérez. In fact it is the director attach of the newspaper "Sport" the one who sustains that the attacker of Madeira does not feel wanted by the maximum mandator. Always doing the comparative with Messi, CR7 sustains that the mandator merengue no it "mima" like the Barça to the rosarino. But, it can have more?

Ghesta Warns that Christian could go to the prison

In addition to all this, obviously is the judicial section. To the forward of the Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo can him come a very fat on. After being accused to have defrauded 14,7 million euros to Inland revenue, speaks that the attacker could be fined with a minimum of 28 millions by four fiscal crimes, three of them aggravated.

This is the of what informed does days the Technicians of the Ministry of the Treasury (Gestha) in a communiqué made public this Tuesday. With the complaint of the Fiscalía before 30 June, the case does not have preescrito and now will be the court the one who have to admit to formality the complaint before six months. Something different would be really a surprise. 

The three crimes aggravated committed by CR7 punish with penalties of prison of two to six years by each one of them, what would involve the request of the Legal profession of the State of a total minimum penalty of seven years by the four presumptive fiscal crimes. Although CR7 does not have any penal antecedent, an upper quantity to the two years of prison could force him to go in in the prison.

The two roads that remain him to CR7

They exist two stages that could suffer the attacker merengue. One would be seemed to the lived by Leo Messi, to the that the judge reduced him  the half the penalties and that to him would mean him be condemned to three years and half of prison, having to go in in this.

Or if the judge reduces of drastic way said penalties, could remain him the same 21 months of prison by which was condemned Leo Messi. We remember that the rosarino was judged by 4,1 millions defrauded, 10,6 less than the one of Madeira. 

They judge you same, goes Cristiano Ronaldo of the Madrid by sportive or judicial subjects? Evade the possible prison well could be the motivamente but, trusting that only it will remain in an economic punishment, would take advantage of the player and his agent to abandon the ship merengue? It will be necessary to see as they pass the facts during this summer.