The formula so that Cristiano Ronaldo return to the Real Madrid
Published:18/03/2021 - 23:08h
Updated:18/03/2021 - 23:08h
"If Christian signed by an only season by the Real Madrid, tributaría as no resident, would not pay by rights of image (would save 20 millions) and only would credit 19% of Income tax of the Physical People (income tax)", explained Toni Rock CEO in Himnus - Football Lawyers and in the Sports Law Institute
The hard elimination of the Juventus of Turín in the eighth of final of the present edition of the UEFA Champions League to hands of the FC Carry, has put in the centre of the rumours to the Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo and his possible exit of the 'Vecchia Signora', afterwards that it affirmed from Spain that it could be of return in the Real Madrid. However, there are important obstacles so that the operation finally do reality, one of them: the fiscal diet.
"CR7 enjoys of a special fiscal diet. It did not go to Italy by chance, since the country transalpino has of the fiscal treatment more favourable of the five big leagues of the continent", explained Toni Rock CEO in Himnus - Football Lawyers and in the Sports Law Institute, in an interview conceded to the sportive newspaper Mark.
It required the expert that the alone player has had to tributar 225.000 to the year to the Italian Inland revenue by all the performances obtained abroad. That is to say, the relative to the exploitation of his rights of image, by which perceives a near sum to the 40 million annual euros. It remarked that this advantage would present him in Spain because of the Law Beckham.
"By these 40 million euros that perceives to the year by rights of image, Cristiano had paid 100 more imposed times in Spain. That is to say: of these 225.000 of euros that pays now in Italy to the friolera of 20 million euros to the year in our country, and this without explaining the wage", added Rock, the one who aimed that the solution so that Christian return to Spain is an agreement by a year.
The fiscal formula
"If Christian signed by an only season by the Real Madrid, tributaría as no resident, would not pay by rights of image (would save 20 millions) and only would credit 19% of Income tax of the Physical People (income tax)", limited Rock, the one who underlined that this route forces to 'CR7' to leave so prompt like 30 June 2022 because it would consider him resident in Spain.