Zinedine Zidane in his presentation like trainer of the Madrid


The new sueldazo millionaire of Zidane will follow very underneath of the ones of Guardiola and Simeone

Published:13/03/2019 - 14:37h

Updated:13/03/2019 - 14:37h

Zinedine Zidane will earn more than five million euros more than in his last agreement with the Real Madrid. The French will happen of the 7,5 to the 12 million euros by season. Still like this, it will follow very underneath of the wages of Pep Guardiola and of the Cholo Simeone

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Zinedine Zidane has gone back to the Real Madrid, but has not done it free. The trainer madridista will bend his wage in this new agreement and according to the information of 'The Confidential' will happen to win 7,5 millions to win 12 fixed, more variable. A wage more chord to his status in the club after having won three Champions League consecutive.

When 'Zizou' did charge of the team merengue after the dismissal of Rafa Benítez his wage was of 2,5 million euros. After winning the Eleventh Glass of Europe this same campaign, Florentino went up it to him until the 5,5 'kilos'. After the achievement of other two Leagues of Champions and the Luga of the course 2016-2017, the Frenchman went of the Madrid winning 7,5 million more variable euros.

In the three years and three months that has signed in his new agreement will win 12 'kilos' that situate him just underneath of the two better technicians paid of the world, that obviously are Pep Guardiola and Diego Pablo Simeone. The Catalan wins 23 million euros to the year, whereas the Argentinian leads this list winning 24 millions to the year.

Zidane already plants third, by in front of Mauritius Pochettino, that después of his last renewal the past year put in the 9,2'kilos' by campaign. After the Argentinian arrives another illustrate of the Premier League, Jürgen Klopp. The trainer of the Liverpool, that is an idol of the fans 'network', is embolsando 8,6 millions by season.

Ernesto Valverde, that, as it said , saw like his emolumentos rose after his renewal, was fifth earning 8,6 millions to the year. It has not glided how much could be winning after the appointed enlargement of agreement, but knows that it follows very far of the Guardiola, Simeone and probably also of Zidane.

Zidane wants to can in the Real Madrid

The Madrilenian press already has left to fall in diverse occasions that if Zinedine Zidane has accepted to go back to the Madrid is, in addition to by his best conditions, because in theory goes to have the total power to decide high and drops of the staff merengue. The French already would have given his list of aims and in the next months is likely that also communicate him to Florentino the list of drops.

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