The name of Paulo Iago carries a few months in the dispatches of the Real Madrid, put the player, considered like one of the most important talents that have 'formed' in The Factory, was very dissatisfied with the role that was having in the Juvenile directed by Álvaro Arbeloa tras recover of the injury in the ankle that suffered to finals of 2023 and that prevented him go to the World-wide Sub-17 with Spain.

The attacker, that can play so much of extreme like mediapunta, had been identified like one of the most explosive footballers of the quarry of the White House, but the 'setback' physical that suffered played him against and finish having very little prominence under the orders of Arbeloa. As it had trascended it does some months, to Paulo him 'surprised' that did not explain him why was not playing, especially because before falling in the infirmary was an indisputable player.

Paulo Iago will abandon the Real Madrid

The true is that the dissatisfaction of the player has caused that, once finished the season, have taken the decision to speak with the representatives of the Real Madrid and communicate his intention to leave to a new team during this summer, according to an information of 'The Athletic'. It will be an operation engorrosa, because it renewed his agreement, until 30 June 2025, does some months and the Madrilenian will demand a traspaso... And it will live a situation complicated.

As they explain from the before quoted source, the door of some team of England is entirely closed because it still is lower of age (17) and the rule of the Brexit prevents a movement in these conditions. Besides, they see very difficult that some team of Spain can do with his services, by what the option of recalar in some club of Italy or Germany will take a lot of weight. His agent, Jorge Mendes, will begin to work in this in brief with the supervision (surprising) of José Ángel Sánchez.

The Madrid does not want to lose 'entirely' to Paulo

In any case, the Real Madrid wants to continue having 'control' on Paulo Iago in the future, conscious that it is a footballer that can explode and be important in a very near future. The formula in which they are thinking is in a traspaso with an option of repurchase or a sale of 50% of his rights, that would allow that it return to Vadebebas in a future.