Cristiano Ronaldo, besando the UEFA Euro 2016 won with Portugal


The Real Madrid will remain two months without Cristiano

Published:18/07/2016 - 13:41h

Updated:18/07/2016 - 13:41h

From the Spanish capital inform that the Real Madrid does not have haste with the injury of Cristiano Ronaldo, by what will not force him to that it play the Supercopa of Europe. Besides, the luso could lose the two first days of League

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Madrid will have to survive two months without Cristiano Ronaldo, at present on holiday after having won UEFA Champions League and UEFA Euro 2016, and with an injury of knee that is causing more than a headache in the breast of the entity merengue. And it is that, as it informs "Mark", in the Real Madrid do not want to risk with the injury that suffers his big star.

They wish that cicatrice of the all so that afterwards the Portuguese have a lot of less possibilities of recaer in her along the season 2016-17, something possible taking into account that his physical faculties no longer are the same with 31 years that when had 25. They want to take care him, and by this reason would have endowed him of a month on holiday and one more to recover of the all of the injury of knee.

Of this way, Cristiano Ronaldo would lose the Supercopa of Europe against the Seville and, besides, the two first days of the Spanish League. The information is not official, but "Mark" ensures that the Real Madrid will not force to Cristiano Ronaldo and will allow him have of all the rest that require to surrender afterwards in the best possible conditions.

Cristiano has been resting these last days in Ibiza, where has remained beside his familiar and friends. Besides, it has taken advantage of to attend a clinic and subject to a treatment with medicine hiperbárica, accelerating like this the process of recovery of his sprain of knee.

If they fulfil  the planned terms by the club madridista, simultaneously, the footballer would lose also two parties with the selection of Portugal, the recent champion of Europe. One of them a friendly, and the another, the duel in front of the selection of Switzerland the next 6 September in the first party of the classification of the selection for the World-wide of Russia of 2018.