Sergio Bouquets celebrates a goal beside Odriozola


To Sergio Bouquets 'puts him' the demanding calendar of the Real Madrid

Published:5/02/2019 - 14:00h

Updated:5/02/2019 - 14:33h

Sergio Bouquets spoke of the next commitments of the Real Madrid and of the demanding that goes to be for the whites this month of February. Besides, it admitted that after the course of Cristiano Ronaldo feels more leader that never

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Sergio Bouquets is living a moment sweet in the Real Madrid. The one of Beds has gone improving with the step of the parties and at present is in a state of optimum form in comparison to the absent-minded that began the season. 

The Andalusian attended this week to the program of Antenna 3, 'The Anteater', and reviewed the actuality merengue. The central left several headlines and spoke of the calendar of the Real Madrid in February. These last days there have been complaints regarding the same and the white captain also has wanted to give his opinion.

"It touches us the Boat, that goes leader, has touched us in Glass. In addition to the derbi in LaLiga, that have it to two points to be able to surpass it. And to the turn of the following week have Champions. Now it arrives the well and to me, like player, 'puts me'", commented some challenging Bouquets when they asked him on the subject.

Besides, the camero also spoke of the new role that has had to occupy in the changing room after the course of Cristiano Ronaldo. The Portuguese, although it was not the captain, was one of the voices authorised of the changing room and a leader so much inside, as it was. His course has left an empty to level of leadership (no as much as to level futbolístico, this yes) that the own Bouquets has had to occupy. "After the course of Cristiano, touches me assume his role and do it delighted", explained.

Also it had time to speak of his new task in the team now that no Cristiano: throw the penaltis. There has been critical to him by not leaving that Benzema or another forward commission of the maximum penalties, but Bouquets takes it to him with a lot of tranquility. "I never think in offending to a mate, and if some time any has felt offended ask him pardon", commented the Andalusian.

Bouquets and Varane, defensive couple in the Camp Nou

In the party of gone, Luis Suárez portrayed to all the defence of the Madrid and especially to Sergio Bouquets and to Varane. The two head offices of the Madrid began the season in a state of form bajísimo and the Real Madrid paid it expensive. This time both arrive quite in shape and will try to be the wall that needs the white team if it wants to take out a positive result of the Camp Nou.

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