The name of José Manuel Villarejo, ex commissioner of the National Police, has been in the centre of attention from does some days because of the controversy arisen around the 'case Negreira' and the implication of the Real Madrid as one of the parts affected. In an interview in the program 'The Món to RAC1', the Andalusian affirmed of conclusive and controversial way that "Florentino Pérez bribed to referees before that the Barça".

These statements carried to the cast merengue to issue a communiqué in defence of his president, signalling that "the president of the Real Madrid C. F., Florentino Pérez, has ordered the immediate presentation of a judicial demand against the excomisario Villarejo by the false indictments made in the emisora Catalan RAC1".

José Manuel Villarejo went back to 'load' against the Real Madrid

Villarejo, the one who previously stood out with firmness that the maximum representative of the white square is "intocable" and had described to any one that dared to report it like "a suicidal", went back to do statements in 'RAC1' in which it continued blaming to the Madrilenian club in the subject by which previously accused it.

The Andalusian signalled the following: "What said exactly is that, when I informed in 2014 in the last note of intelligence referring me to the gentleman (Sandro) Rosell, is that the only that had observed regarding performances with referees, without going in in details, is that previously already had informed on this by performances of the Real Madrid that desestimaron".

Villarejo Asks "desclasificar the proofs"

Finally, José Manuel Villarejo, when being questioned on the fault of proofs to back his indictments, explained the following: "there are a lot of forms to establish dádivas. I do not have the receipts, but yes have a lot of testimonies of people that knew the situation and this is recorded in my archives". Also it mentioned that it does not have of the proofs because his archives "were confiscated does years and does not have copies", expressing his wish that some day desclasifiquen to be able to back what has said.